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已有 10310 次阅读 2012-9-7 10:33 |个人分类:信息分析|系统分类:科研笔记| 论文, xml




 一篇论文被 F1000评价,则是对该论文和相关研究人员工作的高度肯定,因此,通过F1000论文评价可以找到很有价值的研究论文。 F1000 每日将最近一个月内的极少数优秀论文推荐给读者,用F1000论文因子(F1000 Article RankingsFfa)作为客观反映论文学术水平的指标。专家在进行论文评分时有三个等级,即优秀(Exceptional10分)、必读(Must Read8分)、推荐(Recommended6分),其中,优秀是指里程碑式的论文,仅占每年论文总数的5%,必读是指对一般读者均有益的论文,推荐是指论文本身专业性较强,可能仅对某一学科或主题感兴趣的研究者有用。这三个等级的论文对应的附加分值分别为321F1000论文因子(Ffa)的计算方法为选取一个最高评分,加上其他所有评价的附加分总和。  

 例如:在MicroRNA研究中,共有1009篇文章被评价,FFa最高的论文是2007年发表在Nat Methods上的文章,其FFa 9。这篇论文被评价两次,分别为必读(8)和推荐(6),则FFa的计算公式为FFa=8+1=9


F1000 has a unique system for ranking articles based on the scores awarded by F1000 Faculty Members each time they recommend an article. The individual scores for each article are then used to calculate the F1000 Article Factors (FFa), which in turn are used to rank the articles in each specialty.

The FFa is calculated from the highest score awarded by an F1000 Member plus an increment for each additional score from other FMs. The F1000 Article Factor is displayed by the article information, and the individual scores next to the each individual recommendation. More »

Using the FFa values, we calculate All Time Top 10s and Current Top 10s, which list the highest-ranked articles in each Faculty. Current Top 10 lists are compiled daily and include articles recommended within the preceding 14 days. Hidden Jewels lists only include articles published in the more specialized journals that you might have missed in your general reading. To find other top-ranking articles in your specialty, filter Article Recommendations by FFa.

And if you want to see the articles in F1000 that your peers are reading, go to All Time Most Viewed and Current Most Viewed.








[2]郝秀原. F1000因子:医学科研中新的学术评价指标[J].中华医学信息导报, 2006,21(11): 88-91

[3]吕虹,俞素丽,沈秀丽. 医学1000-新一代医学论文评价和检索系统[J]. 医学信息 2010,9:2592-2593

[4]乔红丽 医学F1000-医学科研中一种新的学术评价指标[J]. 医学信息 2009,7(1):43

[5] http://f1000.com/

[6] Iwema C.L. Faculty of 1000 Biolology[J]. J Med Libr Assoc 2008, 96(3):278-279

[7] Iwema C.L. Faculty of 1000 Medicine[J]. J Med Libr Assoc 2008, 96(4):391-392






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