以“第三文化”(面向大众的科学文化)为宗旨的边缘网(edge.org)每年都有一个主题问题,前年的问题是“你最喜欢哪个解释?”,去年的问题是“我们应该担心什么?”,今年的问题更有趣:“哪个科学思想该下课了?”(What Scientific Idea Is Ready for Retirement? )——意思大约是,须将某些“科学思想”挪开,科学才好进步。也就是Planck说的,“新科学真理的胜利不是因为对手服了,看见光亮了,而是因为对手死了,而新一代人长大了。”("A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.")换句话说,科学是从一座座坟茔走出来的。
那么,哪些思想最该下课呢?数学家兼经济学家Eric R. Weinstein立了一个“下课标准”:如果把科学看成经济学,那么最该下课的是为思想市场的投机者提供最多机会的那些东西。(the scientific theory that should be first retired would be the one that offers the greatest opportunity for arbitrage in the market place of ideas.)照这个标准,那些为“特定”目标而凑泊的思想和喜欢玩儿凑泊游戏的“思想者”是最该下课的。
思想市场的本义源自思想自由,有的理论家将它归零到美国宪法的《第一修正案》,而远一点儿可追到弥尔顿——崇祯皇帝上吊那年,他在《论出版自由》(Areopagitica)里说,五花八门的学说像风儿吹遍大地,真理也吹来了,但我们却在审查她,禁止她,伤害她,怀疑她的力量。“让她与谬误搏斗吧;在自由的搏击中,谁见她败过?”(“And thoughall the winds of doctrine were let loose to play upon the earth, so Truth be in the field, we do injuriously by licensing and prohibiting to misdoubt her strength. Let her and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter?”)不过老弥也说,知识不能像卷羊毛和绒面呢一样贴上标签儿就卖(We must not think to make a staple commodity of all the knowledge in the land, to mark and licence it like our broad cloth and our wool packs.)。
思想自由更彻底的论述是John Mill的《论自由》(On Liberty),然后就是美国大法官Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.(1841-1935)的思想市场概念。法官大人说,检验真理的最佳方式就是让思想的力量赢得思想市场的自由竞争。(“The ultimate good desired is better reached by free trade in ideas — that the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition ofthe market.”)
一感伤派 二颓废派 三唯美派 四功利派 五训世派 六攻击派 七偏激派 八纤巧派 九淫秽派 十热狂派 十一稗贩派 十二标语派 十三主义派
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