The Epic of Palaeobotany-472
Umbrella of French Palaeobotany: Elie Antoine Octave Lignier (1855—1916)
法国植物学家Elie Antoine Octave Lignier (1855—1916)
SPS-472-French Elie Antoine Octave Lignier 1855--1916-rev2.pdf
19世纪后期至20世纪初Elie Antoine Octave Lignier (1855—1916) 是法国知名的植物学家之一。他的学术研究主要聚焦有花植物的生殖结构及其演化理论。对于化石植物研究,他也有学术贡献。
1855年,Elie Antoine OctaveLignier出生于法国中部偏北的Pougy (Aube, north-central France)。1873年,在巴黎获得艺术方面的学士学位。1880年,在里尔获得自然科学方面的学士学位。Elie Antoine Octave Lignier曾在里尔大学(University of Lille, northern France)担任古植物学家Charles Eugene Bertrand (1851--1917)的教学助手。Elie Antoine Octave Lignier还跟随地质古生物学家Jules-Auguste Alexandre Gosselet (1832--1916)和动物学家 Alfred Mathieu Giard (1846--1908)等名师学习。【注:AugusteAlexandre Gosselet、Alfred Mathieu Giard 和Charles Eugene Bertrand分别于1885年、1900年和1904年当选为法兰西科学院的通讯院士。】
1887年,ElieAntoine Octave Lignier在巴黎大学会的自然科学之博士学位。同年,开始供职于历史悠久的Caen大学(The University of Caen Normandy (UNICAEN)。1889年,晋升为教授。Elie Antoine Octave Lignier在Caen大学工作了近30年,于1916年去世。
Elie Antoine Octave Lignier的论著的理论性较强,争议性很大,包括一些错误性认识。他的古植物学研究之代表性著作为系列性论文Végétaux fossiles de Normandie,如:
1894: Végétaux fossiles de Normandie. Structureet affinités du Bennettites Morierei Sap. & Mar., sp (1894)1901: Végétaux fossiles de Normandie. / VI,Flore jurassique de Mamers (Sarthe)(1901) Caen :Université de Caen, Laboratoire de botanique de la Faculté des sciences
Brief chronology of French botanist
-- Elie Antoine Octave Lignier(1855—1916)
--1855: Born in Pougy, Aube, north-central France;
--1873: Received a bachelor degree of arts in Paris;
--1880: Received a bachelor degree in science at Lille;
--Worked as teaching assistant in the Faculte des Sciences at Lille under the direction of the paleobotanist Charles Eugene Bertrand (1851--1917)
--Studied with French geologist Jules-Auguste Alexandre Gosselet (1832--1916), zoologist Alfred Mathieu Giard (1846--1908) and palaeobotanist Charles Eugene Bertrand (1851--1917);
--1882: Received a licentiate;
--1887: Received his doctorate in natural science from the University of Paris;
--1887:Worked as assistant lecturer in the Faculte des Sciences at Caen;
--1889: Promoted to full professor of Caen;
--1916: Died in Paris at age of 61.
Qigao Sun (孙启高):
Story of Paleobotany Series(No.472) [The 473rd issue in total]
The Epic of Palaeobotany-472
Umbrella of French Palaeobotany: Elie Antoine Octave Lignier (1855—1916)
法国植物学家Elie Antoine Octave Lignier (1855—1916)
July 3, 2016
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