

Umbrella of American Paleobotany-165

已有 3481 次阅读 2016-1-13 00:25 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:人物纪事| American, Umbrella, Paleobotany-165

Umbrella of American Paleobotany-165

Dr. Alexandru Mihail Florian Tomescu is an American paleobotanist and working in the Department of Biological Sciences, Humboldt State University (Arcata, CA) at present. Alexandru M.F. Tomescu studied paleobotany and palynology with Dr. Ovidiu Dragastan in the University of Bucharest, Romania and got an M.S. degree in 1993. He worked as a research scientist for National History Museum of Romania during 1993—1999. Alexandru M.F. Tomescu began to study with Dr. Gar W. Rothwell in the Department of Environmental and Plant Biology, Ohio University (Athens, OH) in 1999 and he got his Ph.D. degree in 2004.

   Dr. Tomescu is mainly engaged in the origin and early evolution of complex eukaryotic life on land as well as the application of morphology in phylogeny reconstruction.

∮1 Education Background  

2004: Ph.D., Biological Sciences, Department of Environmental and Plant Biology, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio (Advisor: Dr.Gar W. Rothwell);

1993: M.S., Geology (Paleobotany and Palynology), The University of Bucharest, Romania (Advisor: Dr. Ovidiu Dragastan) [The subject of M.S. thesis: The palynology of Pliocene coal-bearing deposits of Oltenia (SW Romania)].


The basic information of Alexandru M.F. Tomescu’s Ph.D.thesis is as follows:

Author:Tomescu, Alexandru Mihail Florian

Title: Late Ordovician - Early Silurian terrestrial biotas of Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania : an investigation into the early colonization of land / Alexandru Mihail Florian Tomescu


Imprint: 284 p.: ill

Note: Thesis(Ph.D.)--Ohio University, November, 2004

Bibliog.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 207-227)

Subject:Paleobotany, Ordovician,Silurian, Ohio,  Pennsylvania, Virginia, Plantcolonization

Alt Author:Ohio University.OUDTheses. Biological Sciences

OCLC Number: 60692774

Persistent linkto this record:

∮2 Courses

Evolutionary Morphology of Plants (BOT 372/572)

Developmental Plant Anatomy (BOT 321/522)

General Botany(BOT 105) Paleobotany (BOT 521)

∮3 Research interests

Early Devonian Floras, Cryptogamic paleobotany, etc.

∮4 Service for BSA

Dr. Tomescu served as chairperson for the paleobotanical section of the Botanical Society of America (BSA) during 2007—2008.



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Amer. J. Bot.




A.M. Tomescu

M. Dunn

Walter  Cressler

C.P. Daghlian

Former Section Officers, Paleobotanical Section, Botanical Society of America

∮5 Publications (see Appendix 1)


Qigao Sun: Umbrella of American Paleobotany (No.165)

Story of Paleobotany Series (No.419) [The 420th issue in total]

[January 9, 2016]

Further reading:

Humboldt State University (HSU) (Arcata, CA)

Dr. Alexandru Mihail FlorianTomescu


Story of Paleobotany Series (No.372) [The 373rd issue intotal]


铁打的营盘 VS 流水的兵:Paleobotany vs Paleobotanist

2015-7-6 22:06


Storyof Palaeobotany Series (No.228) [The 229th issue in total]

Umbrella of American palaeobotany--1: An unfinished list of American palaeobotanists

2014-9-10 05:45


Story of Paleobotany Series (No.370) [The 371stissue in total]

Umbrella of American paleobotany-129-

Open the Umbrella of American paleobotany--撑开美国古植物学之伞

2015-7-1 00:02


Appendix 1:Some publications of Alexandru M.F. Tomescu [Source: Dr. Tomescu’s CV]

Publications (**student co-author)

1. Matsunaga, K.K.S.** and A.M.F.Tomescu.  Root evolution at the base of the lycophyte clade – insights from an Early Devonian lycophyte.  Annals of Botany. (in press)


2. Tomescu, A.M.F.,A.A. Klymiuk**, K.K.S. Matsunaga**, A.C. Bippus**, and G.W.K. Shelton**.  Microbes and the fossil record – selected topics in paleomicrobiology.  In: Hurst,C.J. (ed.) Advances in environmental microbiology. Vol 1. Their world: adiversity of microbial environments. Springer, Heidelberg. (in press)


3. Shelton, G.W.K.**,R.A. Stockey, G.W. Rothwell, and A.M.F. Tomescu.  2015. Exploring the fossil history of pleurocarpous mosses: Tricostaceae fam.nov. from the Cretaceous of Vancouver Island, Canada.  American Journal of Botany 102, 1883-1900.


4. Rothwell, G.W.,S.E. Wyatt, and A.M.F. Tomescu. 2014.  Plant evolution at the interface of paleontology and developmental biology: an organism centeredparadigm.  American Journal of Botany101, 899-913.  Invited centennial review;cover illustration


5. Tomescu, A.M.F.,S.E. Wyatt, M. Hasebe, and G.W. Rothwell. 2014.  Early evolution of the vascular plant body plan – the missing mechanisms.  Current Opinion in Plant Biology 17,126-136.  Invited paper


6. Steenbock, C.M.**and A.M.F. Tomescu.  2013.  Resurrecting Sphondylophyton as a rhodophytealga from the Early Devonian. International Journal of Plant Sciences 174, 1171-1181.


7. Hoffman, L.A.** andA.M.F. Tomescu.  2013.  An early origin of secondary growth:Franhueberia gerriennei gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Devonian of Gaspé(Quebec, Canada).  American Journal of Botany 100, 754-763.


8. Bronson, A.W.**,A.A. Klymiuk**, R.A. Stockey, and A.M.F. Tomescu.  2013. A perithecial sordariomycete (Ascomycota, Diaporthales) from the Early Cretaceous of Vancouver Island, British Columbia (Canada).  International Journal of Plant Sciences 174,278-292. DOI: 10.1086/668227.  Coverillustration


9. Matsunaga,K.K.S.**, R.A. Stockey, and A.M.F. Tomescu. 2013.  Honeggeriella complexa sp. nov., a heteromerous lichen from the Early Cretaceous of Vancouver Island (British Columbia, Canada). American Journal of Botany 100, 450-459. DOI: 10.3732/ajb.1200470


10. Zatoń, M., O.Vinn, and A.M.F. Tomescu.  2012.  Invasion of freshwater and variable marginal marine habitats by microconchid tube worms – an evolutionary perspective.  Geobios 45, 603-610.


11. Caruso, J.A.** andA.M.F. Tomescu.  2012.  Microconchid encrusters colonizing land plants: the earliest North American record from the Early Devonian of Wyoming.  Lethaia 45, 490-494.


12. Steenbock, C.M.**,R.A. Stockey, G. Beard, and A.M.F. Tomescu. 2011.  A new family of leafy liverworts from the middle Eocene of Vancouver Island, British Columbia,Canada.  American Journal of Botany 98,998-1006.


13. Tomescu,A.M.F.  2011.  The sporophytes of seed-free vascular plants– major vegetative developmental features and molecular genetic pathways, p.67-94. In Fernández, H., A. Kumar, and M.A. Revilla (eds.) Working with ferns:issues and applications. Springer, New York.


14. Tomescu, A.M.F.,R.W. Tate**, N.G. Mack**, and V.J. Calder**. 2010.  Simulating fossilization to resolve the taxonomic affinities of thalloid fossils in Early Silurian (ca. 425Ma) terrestrial assemblages. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 105: 183–189. Biology of Lichens – Symbiosis, Ecology, Environmental Monitoring, Systematics, Cyber Applications. Nash T.H. III et al. (eds.). J. Cramer in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart.


15. Oldham, A.R.**,S.C. Sillett, A.M.F. Tomescu, and G.W. Koch. 2010.  The hydrostatic gradient,not light availability, drives height-related variation in Sequoia sempervirens(Cupressaceae) leaf anatomy.  American Journal of Botany 97, 1087-1097.


16. Tomescu, A.M.F.,L.M. Pratt, G.W. Rothwell, P.K. Strother, and G.C. Nadon.  2009. Carbon isotopes support the presence of extensive land floras pre-dating the origin of vascular plants. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 283, 46-59.


17. Tomescu, A.M.F.,G.W. Rothwell, and R. Honegger. 2009.  A new genus and species of filamentous microfossil of cyanobacterial affinity from Early Silurian fluvial environments (lower Massanutten Sandstone, Virginia, USA).  Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 160,284-289.


18. Tomescu,A.M.F.  2009.  Megaphylls, microphylls and the evolution of leaf development.  Trends in Plant Science 14 (1), 5-12. doi:10.1016/j.tplants.2008.10.008.  Invited paper; cover illustration


19. Tomescu, A.M.F.,R. Honegger, and G.W. Rothwell. 2008.  Earliest fossil record of bacterial cyanobacterial mat consortia: the early Silurian Passage Creek biota (440 Ma, Virginia, USA).  Geobiology 6,120-124.


20. Tomescu, A.M.F.,G.W. Rothwell, and M.L. Trivett. 2008.  Reiterative growth in the complex adaptive architecture of the Paleozoic (Pennsylvanian) filicalean fern Kaplanopteris clavata. Plant Systematics and Evolution 270, 209-216.


21. Tomescu,A.M.F.  2008.  The endodermis: a horsetail’s tale. NewP hytologist 177 (2), 291-295.


22. Tomescu,A.M.F.  2008.  Evolutionary gems of the plant world shine just as brightly. Nature 455, 1029. (correspondence)


23. Towill, L., J.K.Williams, A. Tomescu, and T. Sneider-Leiby. 2008.  Laboratory manual for Berg’s Introductory Botany, second edition. Thomson Brooks/Cole.143 pp.


24. TomescuA.M.F.  2007.  On divides. Taxon 56, 289-291.


25. Tomescu, A.M.F.and G.W. Rothwell.  2006.  Wetlands before tracheophytes: thalloid terrestrial communities of the Early Silurian Passage Creek biota (Virginia),p. 41-56. In Greb, S.F. and W.A. DiMichele (eds.) Wetlands through time.Geological Society of America Special Paper 399.


26. Tomescu A.M.F.,G.W. Rothwell, and R. Honegger. 2006.  Cyanobacterial macrophytesin an Early Silurian (Llandovery) continental biota: Passage Creek, lower Massanutten Sandstone, Virginia, USA. Lethaia 39, 329-338.


27. Tomescu, A.M.F.,G.W. Rothwell, and M.L. Trivett. 2006.  Kaplanopteridaceae fam.nov., additional diversity in the initial radiation of filicalean ferns. International Journal of Plant Sciences 167, 615-630.


28. Tomescu A.M.F.  2006.  Comment on ‘Something on the side: axillary meristems and plant development’ by Tom Bennett and Ottoline Leyser. Plant Molecular Biology 62, 481-482.


29. Haita, C andA.M.F. Tomescu.  2006.  Petrography of lithic artifacts discovered at Bordusani Popina (Romania) in the 1995-1997 campaigns. (in Romanian).Archeological Research (Cercetãri Arheologice, Bucharest) 13, 409-412.


30. Tomescu A.M.F.  2005.  Probing the seasonality signal in pollen spectra of Eneolithic coprolites (Hârsova-tell, Constanta County, southeast Romania).Culture and Civilization at the Lower Danube (Cultura si Civilizatie la Dunarea de Jos, Calarasi, Romania) 22, 207-221.


31. Tomescu A.M.F.  2005.  Selective pollen destruction in archeological sediments at Gradistea Coslogeni (Calarasi County, Romania). Studies in Prehistory (Studii de Preistorie, Bucharest) 2, 181-186.


32. Tomescu M., N.Ticleanu, and L. Stoian.  2004.  La palynologie des depotsRomaniens du Bassin Dacique (en Roumanie). Chronostratigraphie und Neostratotypen. Neogene der Zentrale Paratethys10. PL2 Romanien. Romanian Academy of Sciences Publishing House.


33. Tomescu, A.M.F.,V. Radu, and D. Moise.  2003.  High resolution stratigraphic distribution of coprolites within Eneolithic middens, a case study: Hârsova-tell (ConstantaCounty, southeast Romania). Environmental Archaeology 8: 97-109.


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