

A Brief History of Palaeobotany:From the West to the East

已有 5796 次阅读 2012-4-18 12:10 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:论文交流| history, The, Brief, West, Palaeobotany:From


A Brief History of PalaeobotanyFrom the West to the East [1st edition]



By Qigao Sun


Table of Contents


Preface to the first edition


Chapter 1 The definition and roles of palaeobotany as well as the principles of biological approaches of palaeobotanical studies


1.1 Scientific questions, disciplinary scope and national requirements

1.2 The roles of palaeobotany

1.3 The principles of biological approaches of palaeobotanical studies

[Fig.1-1 to Fig.1-8]


Chapter 2 Brief introduction to the palaeobotany in the world


2.1. Fathers of palaeobotany

Kaspar Maria von Sternberg (1761—1838) or

Adolphe-Théodore Brongniart 1801—1876

2.2 Well-known families for palaeobotany

Henry Potonié (1857–1913) and Robert Potonié (1889–1974)

James Morton Schopf (1911--1978), Thomas James Morton Schopf (1939--1984) and James William Schopf ……

2.3 International Organization of Palaeobotany (IOP)

2.4 International meetings of palaeotany emphasizing the connections with China

2.5 Palaeoboany text books in Europe and North America

[Fig.2-1 to Fig.2-7]


Chapter 3 Palaeobotany in Europe


3.1 German palaeobotany

3.2 British palaeobotany

3.3 Swedish palaeobotany

3.4 Russia palaeobotany

3.5 Polish palaeobotany

[Fig.3-1 to Fig.3-18]


Chapter 4 Palaeobotany in North America


4.1 Brief introduction to American palaeobotany

4.2 Some renowned palaeobotanists in the United States

4.3 Palaeobotanical section of the Botanical Society of America

4.4 Canadian palaeobotany

[Fig.4-1 to Fig.4-6]


Chapter 5 Palaeobotany in Australia


5.1 Australian palaeobotany in the first half of the 19th century

5.2 Australian palaeobotany from 1860s to 1880s

5.3 Australian palaeobotany from the late 19th century to the early 20th century

5.4 Australian palaeobotany from the early 20th century to 1940s

[Fig.5-1 to Fig.5-2]


Chapter 6 Palaeobotany in Asia


6.1 Indian palaoebotany

6.2 The slow rise of Chinese paleoebotany in the world context

6.3 Brief introduction to Chinese palaeobotany

The distribution pattern of palaeobotanical institutions and workers in China

The lists of deceased and retired palaeobotanists in China

The list of palaeobotany academicians and foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

National Natural Science Foundation of China serves as a lifeline for Chinese palaeobotanists

A review of the palaeobotany text books in Chinese

6.4 Palaeobotanical societies (or associations) and problems in China

General information of the system of academic societies or associations in China

The Botanical Society of China and its palaeobotanical association

The Palaeontological Society of China and its palaeobotanical association

Discussions about the credibility of the palaeobotanical associations in China

6.5 Palaeobotanical meetings in China regarding international significance

[Fig.6-1 to Fig.6-17]


Chapter 7 Chances and Challenges: Make Chinese palaeobotany rise rapidly in the round


7.1 How to establish a stable and high-efficient national system for the Chinese palaeobotanical studies?

How to reform the distribution pattern of palaeobotanical institutions in China?

How to improve the conditions of curated specimens of fossil plants in China?

How to increase the palaeobotanical collections in China?

7.2 How to educate or train up Chinese students to be world-class palaeobotanists?

7.3 How to increase funding channels for Chinese palaeobotanical studies?

7.4 How to improve the credibility of the palaeobotanical associations in China?

7.5 How to initiate active communication and collaboration between Chinese palaeobotanists and foreign colleagues?

[Fig.7-1 to Fig.7-5]


Chapter 8 Summary: “Questions of Palaeobotany” and the missions and challenges of China


 Palaeobotanical perspectives for “Joseph Needham’ (1900—1995) Question” and “Hsue-shen Tsien’s (1911—2009) Question”


l  Joseph Needham’s Question:Why was it that despite the immense achievements of traditional China it had been in Europe and not in China that the scientific and industrial revolutions occurred?


l  Hsue-shen Tsien’s Question: “Why do modern Chinese universities or colleges fail to train up talent individuals?”


l  “Questions of Palaeobotany”: China’s missions and challenges










Product Details

Paperback: 169 pages, 63 figures

Publisher: China Agricultural University Press (Beijing, P. R. China); 1st edition (August, 2011)

Language: Chinese

ISBN: 978-7-5655-0390-0

Product Dimensions:  7.3 inches X 10.2 inches (18.5cm X 23.5cm) [16开本]



Related links:

Story of Palaeobotany Series (135):

Copyright information, abstract and contents of the new book-- “A Brief History of Palaeobotany: From the West to the East” [In Chinese]

2011-9-25 21:38


Story of Palaeobotany Series (136):

The preface to  the new book-- “A Brief History of Palaeobotany: From the West to the East ” ---Struggle for the rapid rise of Chinese Palaeobotany [In Chinese]

2011-9-26 21:33


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