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送给老师的生日礼物 精选

已有 14957 次阅读 2009-8-24 10:54 |个人分类:未分类|系统分类:人物纪事



 Dear Ronald:

         We, Raf Guns and Yuxian Liu, and Dilruba Mahbuba, your students in different countries, wish you a happy birthday. and we submit our  special presents on the occasion of your birthday: though our work is not perfect, we had made great efforts to show you that we are growing under your promotion.
         We all are profoundly grateful to you for what you have done for us.

 Happy birthday to you

 Raf and Yuxian and Ruba


         On the 14th of August 2009, our promoter Ronald Rousseau turns 60 years old. For a long time he has been motivating us to devote ourselves to academic research, encouraging every little progress in our research. We know that he has always cherished the hope that we can work together as a real team. This is not obvious because of geographic distances. Moreover, as was shown by Jackson & Rogers (2007), the node with a higher degree tends to have a lower clustering coefficient, since the nodes in its neighbourhood prefer to link to it rather than each other. Indeed, although Ronald has always encouraged us to communicate with each other, we tend to ask him to act as a bridge. For the occasion of his 60th birthday, we have tried to overcome the fact that we are living and working in different continents, different time zones and different conditions. As president of the ISSI and a major facilitator of international collaboration himself, Ronald is – we think – certainly interested in how the researchers from different countries in our field are connected and bridging between different groups. Therefore, we have chosen the topic to do further investigation.
      从六月十八日我们开始谋划这件事情,到选题,相关文献阅读,研究方向确定,收集数据,数据补充,再到数据分析,是一次真正的合作,通常一个人提出一个主意,另外的人就想办法补充完整,然后就论证。我们三个人也还有各自的工作和事务,师妹要到另外一个大学当馆长,孟加拉电力供应也不是很稳定,师弟这期间要参加ISSI会议,我要进行房产交割和装修搬迁......无论如何,我们还是克服一切阻碍,想法设法按时完成这份礼物,到后来,我们利用时差,几乎连轴转,我晚上一点做好,发给师弟,师弟再润色修改,他睡觉前发给我们,恰好是我们就天亮了,我就接着做。其间最大的困难是SCI的作者和国家名字没有对应起来,我们第一次收集的数据没有国家的名字,第二次又开始收集,收集好后,要处理数据了,才发现并不能把作者和国家名字对应起来,不得不用手工来完成,而那么大量的作者,我们不得不找作者的个人网页、另外发表的文章等等资料来确认他们的国家!面临这样的挑战,我们几个什么也没有说,我找了个便利方法后,几个人就分头做起来。到8月13日,师弟花费了一整天时间把我们各自所做的结果updating成一片文章。我开始设计卡片雏形,晚上的时候发给他们两个, 师弟到黎明的时候,把他修改的文章和他修改的卡片发过来。第二天,师妹一直没有消息,我很担心是因为电力供应的问题,使我们联系不上,致使我们不能按时递交礼物。好在她10点钟发来邮件说她在想办法把孟加拉的B打上去,让我等等。
Dear Raf, Yuxian and Ruba,

This is quite a surprise! I very much appreciate your collaborative presents (plural). More later about the article (when I have  'digested' it).

Friendly greetings,

Dear Students,

Excellent work: I like it very much; with some really new results. I  am proud of you!  What are your plans concerning this article?......
 Dear Raf and Ruba:

 As my box is full, I have to delete some emails. And I treasure our  experience so much that I can not delete it, so I made an archive.
 Anyway, we made it! As Ronald are proud of us, we can be also proud of  our works: discussing a topic, exploring the unknown, overcome difficulties, correct our own mistake, try our best to find the rules, complement each other, understanding each other! Moreover, we also deal with many other things, Raf had taken part in the ISSI conference, Ruba changed her work, I also had to transfer ownership of an apartment from older owner to my own. In such short time, we overcome all difficulties and succeed in last minute! we got so much support from each other!

 As Raf had said that: let's see this small research project for Ronald's birthday as a starting point rather than an end.we really have reasons  to collaborate more!

I would like join Raf and say: thank for your support and your work. Thank for raf the whole days work in the 13^th of August, thank for Ruba's great effort to type Bangla font in the card,thank for your tolerance on my poor English¡­¡­

Friendly greetings
 Dear Yuxian and Ruba,

I can only agree with everything Yuxian has written. Although we were also occupied by many other things, we have managed to create a nice birthday present. And it really was teamwork, so thank you both!
Ronald raises some interesting questions. I cannot answer them all right  awxay, but I will certainly come back to them. ......
Friendly greetings,

Dear Raf and Yuxian:

I agree with Yuxian and Raf. We become more closer than before with this work. I learn a lot from both of you to mange all difficults. My best wishes to both of you and our beloved Professor.

Friendly greetings,


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