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Evaluation of an ecosystem model for a wheat-maize double cropping
Evaluation of an ecosystem model for a wheat–maize double cropping
A process - based ecosystem model
A process-based ecosystem model
英文名 |
键入方法 |
Wiki 定义 |
俺的心得 |
Hyphen |
- 直接击打键盘上紧挨着等号的那个小小短横 |
To break single words into parts, or to join ordinarily separate words into single words. Spaces should not be placed between a hyphen and either of the words it connects except when using a suspended or "hanging" hyphen (e.g. nineteenth- and twentieth-century writers). |
(1) 这是英文中最小号的小横线 (2) 把一个单词分成两部分,如行末断字,分音节等 (3) 因为是连接一个单词的两部分,所以即使放在两个独立词之间,这两个词严格意义上实际上变成了一个词,如three-year-old girl |
En dash |
(1)– 当numLock灯开启,alt0150 (2)ctrl 加numeric hyphen – (3) 两个单词之间打两个hyphen, hyphen与字之间有空格, 然后word 自动校准成en dash A – B |
commonly used to indicate a closed range of values, meaning a range with clearly defined and non-infinite upper and lower boundaries. This may include ranges such as those between dates, times, or numbers. 例如: • June–July 1967 • 1:00–2:00 p.m. • For ages 3–5 • pp. 38–55 • President Jimmy Carter (1977–1981) The en dash can also be used to contrast values, or illustrate a relationship between two things。例如: • Mother–daughter relationship |
(1) 这是英文中的中号的小横线 (2) 当连接两个词时,这两个词多是平行关系,不像hyphen互相之间有一定的修饰关系 (3) 而有时,即使是修饰关系,当连接的两个词的其中一个本身词是复合名词时,要用en dash,试比较:
The post–World War II era (however, a hyphen would be used in post-war era) |
Em dash |
(1)— 当numLock灯开启,alt0151 (2) Ctrl加alt 加numeric hyphen — (3)两个单词之间打两个hyphen, 但hyphen与字之间没有空格 A—B
demarcates a break of thought or some similar interpolation stronger than the interpolation demarcated by parentheses。 例如: • I distinctly heard him say, 'Go away or I'll——'. • It was alleged that D—— had been threatened with blackmail |
(1) 这是英文中的大号的小横线 (2) 这个符号在中文中好似破折号,好理解,不易混淆
Minus |
标准的应该是用数学公式键入,但在正文中应该用哪一个我就不知道了,用word,插入特殊符号选数学负号- ? |
数学负号或者减号 |
四种符号的比较: - – —- -2+3=5, this is -5. this is ﹣5 this is -5 到底哪个对?可能是印刷社的问题,我们不用考虑了。 |
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