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中、西、马哲学观的会通 (概要)

已有 4913 次阅读 2009-8-30 22:17 |个人分类:理论探讨|系统分类:人文社科| 当代中国哲学创新, 哲学观, 原始哲学回归, 和谐精神


博主按:英文版《中国社会科学(季刊)》(Social Sciences in China) 2009年第3期发表了拙文《中国哲学、西方哲学、马克思主义哲学在哲学观上的会通——对当代中国哲学创新的元哲学及方法论思考》,这是我入驻科学网以来的二年多里撰写相关内容的学术性博文的一次总结。为了表示对科学网的感谢,特将该文(中文原文15000余字,英文版全文共12页)摘要于此。




Convergence of Chinese, western and Marxist philosophies :

reflections on a meta-philosophy and methodology for innovation in contemporary Chinese  philosophy



  Innovation of contemporary Chinese philosophy should be conducted in the light of the spirit of the times that should be embodied in a new philosophy and the necessary academic character determined by the spirit of the times. It means the construction of a new philosophy that returns to primitive philosophy in terms of research scope, follows the example of Marxist philosophy in terms of research content.This new philosophy centered on the spirit of harmony is termed “post-modern Marxist philosophy.”




(Theories of philosophy)



1)以人、自然以及超人间、超自然的东西为哲学对象的“原始哲学观”(‘Primitive philosophy’ in which man, nature and the superhuman and supernatural are the object of study)


2)以实际事物为哲学对象的“物理哲学观”(“Physical philosophy” with real things as the object of study )


3)以人生为哲学对象的“伦理哲学观”(“Ethical philosophy” with human life as the object of study)


4)以人心为哲学对象的“心理哲学观”(“Psychological philosophy” with the human mind as the object of study)


5)以超人间、超自然的实体为哲学对象的“神性哲学观”(“Theological philosophy” with superhuman and supernatural entities as the object of study)


6)以科学为哲学对象的“论理哲学观”(“Logical philosophy” with science as the object of study )


7)以知识为哲学对象的“知性哲学观”(“Intellectual philosophy” with knowledge as the object of study )


8)以语言为哲学对象的“语义哲学观”(“Semantic philosophy” with language as the object of study )


9)以历史上的哲学为哲学对象的“史义哲学观”(“Historical philosophy” with philosophy in history as the object of study )



Convergence of philosophical theories and the construction of a new philosophy




1)综合创新是观念创新的普遍规律(Integrative innovation is the universal law conceptual innovation)


2)当代中国哲学创新应以构建马克思主义后现代哲学为目标(Innovation in contemporary Chinese philosophy should take as its goal the development of post-modern Marxist philosophy)


3)中、西、马哲学观的会通体现于新哲学构建方法的综合设计(The convergence of philosophical theories is manifested in the comprehensive design of methods for developing this new philosophy)





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