

去基辅开个 (平滑肌研讨)会,或者去基辅餐厅吃个饭?

已有 3118 次阅读 2017-6-21 18:02 |系统分类:博客资讯| 会议, 乌克兰, 平滑肌, 基辅


做平滑肌研究的科学家们,您也许可以考虑一下这个会议—第三届基辅(乌克兰)平滑肌生理、生物物理及药理学研讨会(The 3rd Kyiv International Symposium on Smooth Muscle Physiology, Biophysics and Pharmacology),毕竟乌克兰好像还比较平安。

该会议将于91722日在乌克兰基辅召开(会议网址:,研讨会邀请了来自英美韩等国家的一些杰出科学家来作报告。研讨会的第二部分,将在位于位于卢茨克的Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University举行,组委会计划与欧洲几个生物物理学会一起组织该部分会议。如果您去研讨会做报告并且有兴趣,还可以在第三届国际生物医学学校为学生们(包括大学生及研究生)授课,国际学校将与该研讨会同时开办。

Topics ofsymposium:

  • Ionic mechanismsof electrical activity

  • Neuronalregulation of smooth muscle contractility

  • Molecularorganization and biophysical properties of receptors and ion channels

  • Regulation ofsmooth muscle function by endothelial and interstitial cells

  • Mechanisms ofaction of neurotransmitters on smooth muscles

  • Local and globalcalcium signalling

  • Ion transportpathways

  • Mechanicsof smooth muscle contraction

  • Intrinsicsensory mechanisms in smooth muscle cells

  • Smooth musclepathophysiology and pharmacology

Invited Speakers:

Evolution of ourunderstanding of the cation current in intestinal smooth muscle

T.B. Bolton, St George’s University of London, UK

Optogenetictechniques to study pacemaker activity and neuro-transmission in GI muscles

K. M. Sanders, The University of Nevada, USA

Receptor forprotons: ubiquitous but still mysterious

O.A. Krishtal, A.A. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology,Ukraine

Piezo1 channels -critical force sensors in the vasculature

D.J. Beech, Leeds Institute of Cardiovascular andMetabolic Medicine, University of Leeds, UK

Calixarenes areperspective regulators of Ca2+-concentration in smooth muscles andits contractility

S.O. Kosterin,O.A. Shkrabak, O.V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, Ukraine

Novel functions ofTRPML1 channels in vascular smooth muscle cells

S. Earley, The University of Nevada, USA

The cold andmenthol receptor TRPM8 and its role in vascular smooth muscle function

A.V. Zholos, Taras Shevchenko National University ofKyiv, Ukraine

Synergisticenhancement of cholinergic bladder contractility in rat model of type Idiabetes complicated by cystitis: contribution of neurotransmitter-degradingectoenzymes

Ya.M. Shuba, A.A. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology,Ukraine

Gasotransmitters invascular smooth muscle function: sweet pair of NO and H2S

V.F. Sagach, A.A. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology,Ukraine

Pharmacologicalcorrection of vascular function in arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitususing RNAi techniques

A.I. Soloviev, Institute of Pharmacology andToxicology, Ukraine

Gastrointestinalmotility and secretion under conditions of dysbacteriosis

T.V. Beregova, Taras Shevchenko National University ofKyiv, Ukraine

The brain-gutinteraction in Parkinson's disease

G.M. Tolstanova, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine

Computationalmyoscience: possible fertilizing/manuring impact on smooth muscle studies

S.M. Korogod, A.A. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology,Ukraine

Mechanisms ofchronic pain in the spinal cord injury-induced muscle spasticity

N.V. Voitenko, A.A. Bogomoletz Institute ofPhysiology, Ukraine


K. Dora, University of Oxford, UK

TRPC4 as amolecular candidate for mIcat in visceral smooth muscle cells

I. So, Seoul National University, South Korea

Calcium-dependenthippocalcin signaling in autosomal recessive dystonia

P.V.Belan, A.A. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, Ukraine

Spike potentials inrat mesenteric artery smooth muscle

C. Garland, University of Oxford, UK

Various nativecalcium channels formed by STIM-ORAI proteins in smooth muscle related disease

M. Trebak, Pennsylvania State UniversityMedical Center, USA

TRPC4 channels,dual regulation by phospholipase C and Gi/o proteins and physiologicalimplications

M.X. Zhu, The University of Texas HealthScience Center at Houston, USA









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