

Egypt National Anthem بلادي بلا

已有 3136 次阅读 2016-3-24 10:02 |个人分类:语言文学|系统分类:人文社科| lyrics, 国歌

Egypt National Anthem( lit.Anthem home) النشيد الوطن

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  Lakī ḥubbī wa fū’ādī      Bilādī, bilādī, bilādī
بلادي بلادي بلادي    لك  حبي  وفؤادي
   heart/My love /for thee      My homeland,
  My love and my heart are for thee.

Anti ghāyatī wal-murād          Miṣr yā umm al-bilād   / /mrad. intended/
مصر  يا  أم  البلاد     أنت   غايتي   والمرا
ambition/purpose/u are  / country/Mother/Egypt  /qayp.purpose, aim.
   Egypt! O mother of all lands   Thou are my hope and my ambition,
وعلي  كل  العباد         كم  لنيلك  من  أيادي   *
 graces /for-Nile-ur/How many/  And above all people /
How can one count The blessings of the Nile for mankind.
You are filled with the ancient glory
 مقصدي  دفع  الغريم     وعلي  الله  اعتمادي
 /  reliance  God  on      / opponent/pay/my intention /
My purpose is to repel
击退 the enemy And on God I rely

  Fawqa Gabeen Ad-dahr Ghurra   Misr Anti Aghla Durra
مصر  أنت  أغلي  درة     فوق   جبين   الدهر غرة **
 blaze/eternity/  brow/above /precious jewel/you /Egypt
Egypt! Most precious gem, A blaze on the brow of eternity /shining on the brow of eternity

 Wa Aslami Raghm-al-adi.   Ya Biladi 'Aishi Hurra
    يا  بلادي عيشي  حرة    واسلمي  رغم  الأعادي
    enemies/despite /safe         free    /live  /Oh my homeland/
 O my homeland, be for ever free ,Safe from every enemy !
مصر أولادك  كرام      فياء يرعوا الزمام
    reins/they guard/loyal           noble  /children/
Faithful care for the reins     Noble are thy children(rein,缰,控制)
Egypt! Noble are thy sons    Loyal, and guardians of the reins,(reins of power 权柄
سوف نحظي بالمرام  باتحادهم واتحادي
Be we at war or peace   We will sacrifice ourselves for you, my country
سوف 拖延, 应付will  نحظي we enjoy,have,be بالمرام wish
باتحادهم union, unity,واتحاديUnions and their fellow
بلادي بلادي بلادي  لك حبي وفؤادي
My homeland, my homeland, my homeland,
   My love and my heart
are for thee
* أيادي   here doesn't mean 'hands', but favors or grace. Meaning that the Nile has given Egypt and its people so many good things.
** We understand (غرة) as a sign, mark, indicator.  As per Hans Wehr Dictionary:
(غرة) white spot on a horse's face, blaze
(غرة) the best, the finest, the prime (of some thing)
(غرة) highlight
(غرة الشهر) the first day of the month
(في غرة العام) at the beginning of the

بلادي بلادي بلادي       لك حبي وفؤادي

  مصر يا أم البلاد     أنت غايتي والمراد

  وعلي كل العباد      كم لنيلك من أيادي

مصر يا أرض النعيم     فزت بالمجد القديم

مقصدي دفع الغريم       وعلي الله اعتمادي

   مصر أنت أغلي درة    فوق جبين الدهر غرة

  يا بلادي عيشي حرة      واسلمي رغم الأعادي

   مصر أولادك كرام      أوفياء يرعوا الزمام

سوف نحظي بالمرام           باتحادهم واتحادي

بلادي بلادي بلادي           لك حبي وفؤادي

النوتة الموسيقية للسلام الوطني      

السلام الجمهورى ( صوت voice)  
النشيد الوطنى  ( صوت )
Egypt National Anthem Lyrics       Latin Transliteration

Bilady, Bilady, Bilady ("My country, my country, my country"; Arabic: بلادي بلادي بلادي) is the national anthem of Egypt. The melody was composed by Sayed Darwish (1892-1923) and was adopted in 1979. Although the modern version has three stanzas, only the first is commonly sung today. This anthem replaced Walla Zaman Ya Selahy.Sayed Darwish (wiki)put music to the Egyptian national anthem, Bilady, Bilady, Bilady, the words of which were adapted froma famous speech by Mustafa Kamil .   Coincidentally, on the day of his death, the national Egyptian leader Saad Zaghloul returned from exile; the Egyptians sang Darwish's new song "Bilady, Bilady, Bilady" which was to become the national anthem in 1979
English    wiki    anthem


My homeland, my homeland, my homeland,My love and my heart are for thee.
(repeat previous two lines)
Egypt! O mother of all lands,My hope and my ambition,
How can one count   The blessings of the Nile for mankind?
Egypt! Most precious jewel,Shining on the brow of eternity!
O my homeland, be forever free,Safe from every foe!
Egypt! Noble are thy children,Loyal, and guardians of thy soil.
In war and peace   We give our lives for thy sake.
CHORUS (without repeats)

Arabic Lyrics[1]  Transliteration   Translation[2]

Misru ya Ardi-nna`eem  Sudti bil majdil-qadeem
Maqsidee daf`ul-ghareem  Wa `ala-llahi-`timaadi.

Misr Awladik Kiram  Aufiya Yar'u-zimam
Nahnu harbu'n wa' salam  Wa fidakee ya bilādī.

Egypt! Noble are thy sons, Loyal, and guardians of the reins.
Be we at war or peace  We will sacrifice ourselves for you, my country.

相关链接    Lingo-music

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