

Brindisi (La Traviata)

已有 3927 次阅读 2016-3-24 07:13 |个人分类:语言文学|系统分类:人文社科| 茶花女, Brindisi, Traviata

                             Brindisi  - La Traviata    

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Libiamo, libiamo ne'lieti calici che la belleza infiora.
Let's drink from the joyful cup   that embellishes装饰润色 the beauty.
干杯吧,用喜欢的酒杯来干!用点缀着花朵的酒杯来喝![liˈbjamo nɛ ˈljɛti ˈkalitʃi];
Let's drink, let's drink from the joyous chalices高脚酒杯,that beauty so truly enhances.infiorare [infjoˈrare] .to deck with flowers.
E la fuggevol ora     s'inebrii  a voluttà.
And the fleeting hour  he will rejoice a pleasure. /fleeting飞逝短暂
And may the brief moment be inebriated 酒醉 with voluptuousness
Libiamo ne'dolci fremiti  che suscita l'amore,
Let's drink for sweet quivers   that arouses love,
Let's drink for the ecstatic  feeling that love arouses.  ecstatic 狂喜入迷
poichè quell'ochio al core  Omnipotente va.
since/for that eye as the heart. Almighty goes."va" implies a spontaneous and immediate impulse
Because this eye   aims straight to the heart, omnipotently.  
Libiamo, amore fra i calici    più caldi baci avrà.
Let's drink, love, between the glasses,more hot kisses  have/get
Let's drink, my love, and the love among the chalices will make the kisses warmer.
All: Ah, libiamo; amor fra i calici  Più caldi baci avrà          
Let's drink, love, between the glasses, more hot kisses
Ah! Let's drink, and the love among the chalices will make the kisses warmer.    
Tra voi tra voi saprò dividere  il tempo mio giocondo
With you all,      I know devide     the time my delight
With you all I can share my happiest times.
Tutto è follia nel mondo     Ciò che non è piacer.
Everything is foolish in the world  this/that which is not pleasure .
Everything in life which is not pleasure is foolish.  
Godiam, fugace e rapido  e'il gaudio dell'amore,  
Let us be happy, fleeting and rapid is the delight of love,
Let's enjoy ourselves for the delight of love is fleeting and quick.  
e'un fior che nasce e muore,ne più si può goder.
It is a flower that blooms and dies, nothing more can be enjoyed.
It's like a flower that blooms and dies And we can no longer enjoy it.  
Godiam c'invita un fervido accento lusighier.
Let us be happy invites us a fervent accent lusinghiero/luzinˈgjɛro/[gratifying, flattering]
So enjoy; A keen and flattering voice invites us!
Godiam,  la tazza e il cantico la notte abbella e il riso;
Let's enjoy the wine and the singing,the beautiful night, and the laughter.
in questo paradise ne sopra il nuovo dì.
in this paradise     any  abouve the new day
Let the new day find us in this paradise.
Violetta:  La vita è nel tripudio
life is in the blaze./life means celebration.快乐使生活美满,
Alfredo: Quando non s'ami ancora.
         Only if one hasn't known love.美满生活要爱情。non ancora,not yet
Violetta:Nol dite a chi l'ignora,
           Don't tell someone who doesn't know.世界上知情者有谁?
Alfredo: è il mio destin così...
 But this is my fate so/therefore..知情者唯有我。
Godiamo, la tazza e il cantico la notte abbella e il riso;
Let's enjoy the wine and the singing,the beautiful night, and the laughter.
in questo paradiso ne sopra il nuovo dì.
Let the new day find us in this
paradise.** stands for nei.[ the.]

Elisione e troncamento Newspapers, and sometimes even in the books, there is some uncertainty in the use apostrophe. qual è, tal è, qual altro, tal altro, are written with the apostrophe: “qual’è”, “tal’è”, “qual’altro”, “tal’altro”.– Gli imperativi dei verbi dare, fare, stare, andare, dire, in forma troncata: da’, fa’, sta’, va’, di’ (ma sono altrettanto corrette le forme piane dai, fai, stai, vai e le forme, più o meno accentate, dà, fa, sta, va, dì. Per un maggiore approfondimento vedi alla voce dà, dai o da’?).
– Nel linguaggio colloquiale, i troncamenti di
bene, poco, modo, un po’ antiquato fede: be’, po’, mo’, fe,’ come in va be’, un po’, a mo’ di, in fe’ mia.
– Nell’uso letterario, e solo letterario, questo decisamente antiquato, troncamenti di
ai, dei, coi, nei in a’, de’, co’, ne’:
a’ colli, de’ libri, co’ lumi, ne’ boschi.
ne ,can mean "about," "any," "some," "of it," "of them," from it," from them," or "from there." It can also replace a prepositional phrase beginning with da or di. Here are a few examples:
Parliamo di Mario. (We talk about Mario.)
Ne parliamo. (We talk about him.)
Hai bisogno di due francobolli. (You need two stamps.)
Ne hai bisogno di tre. (You need two of them.)
Avete molti amici. (You have many friends.)
Ne avete molti amici. (You have many of them.)


  "Libiamo ne' lieti calici" (Italian [liˈbjamo nɛ ˈljɛti ˈkalitʃi]; "Let's drink from the joyful cup") is a famous duet with chorus
from Verdi's La traviata, one of the best-known opera melodies and a popular performance choice (as is this opera itself)
for many great tenors. The song is a brindisi, a lively song that encourages the drinking of wine or other alcoholic beverages.  
The duet is performed in the first act of the opera, during a late-night party at Violetta Valéry's house. It is sung by Violetta and
Alfredo Germont, a young man who is in love with her. Alfredo is convinced by his friend Gastone and by Violetta to
show off his voice. He begins this drinking song, later joined by Violetta and the rest of the company  

  Brindisi [饮酒歌] 作于1853年。为所作的歌剧《茶花女》中第一幕唱段。当时男主角阿尔弗雷多在女主人公薇奥莱塔举行的宴会中举杯祝贺,用歌声表达对薇奥莱塔的爱慕之心,薇奥莱塔也在祝酒时作了巧妙回答。第二段结尾处两人的对唱表达了他们互相爱慕之情,最后一段客人们的合唱也增添了这首歌的热烈气氛。这首单二部曲式的分节歌以轻快的舞曲节奏、明亮的大高色彩及六度大跳的旋律动机贯穿全曲,表现了主人公对真诚爱情的渴望和赞美,充满青春的活力。同时又描绘出沙龙舞会上热闹、欢乐的情景。

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