
张重 2012-6-21 10:00
IDrive Sync 提供免费的 5 GB 存储空间,新用户只要在主页上点击 Sign Up注册即可。
个人分类: 科研笔记|3430 次阅读|没有评论
[CODE] manifold learning matlab code 一个流行学习的matlab代
热度 1 张重 2012-6-20 08:53
[CODE] manifold learning matlab code 一个流行学习的matlab代
一个流行学习demo,并且有源代码 里面实现的代码有一下文章: MDS Michael Lee's MDS code ISOMAP J.B. Tenenbaum, V. de Silva and J. C. Langford. A global geometric framework for nonlinear dimensionality reduction. Science, vol. 290, pp. 2319--2323, 2000. LL ...
个人分类: CODE|10738 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
ACCV 2012 call for papers
张重 2012-6-19 09:06
ACCV 2012 call for papers
Important Dates Paper submission deadline July 1,2012 Review open August 30,2012 Rebuttal deadline September 6, 2012 Notification of acceptance September 25, 2012 Camera ready early registration October 10, 2012 Workshops ...
个人分类: 科研笔记|5211 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 张重 2012-6-15 08:20
转载一个,但是有些期刊的影响因子不是很对,要投的时候还是再到期刊主页上面看一看吧~ 期刊缩写   ...
个人分类: 科研笔记|15224 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 1
1987-2011 ICCV Best Papers
张重 2012-6-14 08:29
13th ICCV, 2011, Barcelona, Spain Marr Prize Paper: Relative Attributes ( PDF , project ) Devi Parikh , Kristen Grauman Best Student Paper: ...
个人分类: 科研笔记|6851 次阅读|没有评论
Face Recognition Homepage Dataset
张重 2012-6-12 09:28
人脸数据库的一个汇总: Here are some face data sets often used by researchers: The Color FERET Database, USA The FERET program set out to establish a large database of facial images that was gathered independently from the algorithm developers. Dr. Harry Wechsler at George Mason Unive ...
个人分类: 科研笔记|10240 次阅读|没有评论
[CODE]Machine Learning Open Source Software
张重 2012-6-11 08:34
JMLR上面的开源软件 To support the open source software movement, JMLR MLOSS publishes contributions related to implementations of non-trivial machine learning algorithms, toolboxes or even languages for scientific computing. Submission instructions are available here . ...
个人分类: CODE|5735 次阅读|没有评论

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