
热度 2 王雪珍 2011-3-27 06:26
又是春暖花开的时节,北京植物园又开始百花齐放了,很是想念!德州天气很热,并不是很适合养花,但春回大地之时,万物复苏,将生命之美演绎得精彩纷呈,昨天在离住处不远的小植物园里拍了好些小花小草。 ...
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王雪珍 2011-1-1 13:49
来美国的时候,千方百计地精简行李,与文学相关的中文书我只带了一本,是《大学语文》,只因为里面有我最经常读的文章《我与地坛》,刚读的时候泪流满面,后来渐渐平静,跟着他一起思考生死,一起游览地坛。最近又捡起他的其他作品,看电子版的《务虚笔记》,还没看完,想不到他在2010年的最后一天永远地离 ...
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The world is smaller as one is older
王雪珍 2010-5-4 06:59
The world becomes smaller and smaller as I become older and older. Thedistance to my primary school from my home is shorter; the time to Beijing from my hometownis shorter as well. It cost me great time and effort to walk to the school when I was a kid that my only dream in that ...
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The funny weather
王雪珍 2010-2-24 06:49
It snows heavily today, although it was summer on Sunday. The weather shifts from summer to winter in only one day, hard to believe, isn't it? Human being herecan change their clothes with the flexible temperature, but when it comes to the plants, in fact, they don't know how to grow. We bre ...
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王雪珍 2008-10-14 10:02
刚刚从一个骗局中出来,有点兴奋,有点紧张,感慨骗子骗术的日新月异,连我这样的人都会信 话还得从昨天说起: 昨天晚上接到一个电话,开门见山说最近怎么样啊?北京挺好的吧?在家还是在哪?我说在看书,他说他出差到石家庄,明天要来北京,顺便看看我。我说你是谁啊?他说 ...
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The article our group published on Adv.mater.
王雪珍 2008-7-25 17:21
It is a great surprised for meto see the blog of Wu wei who displayed the list of articles which were published in Adv.mater in 2007and their writers' names and schools. And of course my professor who had appeared an article on that joural were on the list. And bnu where I studied ther ...
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