对英文审稿意见的回复.pptx Samples Sample_Answers1.pdf Sample_Answers2.pdf Sample_Technical_Check.pdf SampleResponseToRevisions.pdf An example of response to reviewers.pdf Sample Response to Review Comments.pdf http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3f87c5820100nkiz.ht ...
一般会同时收到两封邮件 Dear Dr 通讯作者 I hope you are well. I am writing today to inform you that your manuscript, Manuscript ID 文章编 号:(投稿时的编和修改编号 ), entitled 文章题目, has now been exported to the Production Department for preparation for publication. Shoul ...
http://www.support-vector-machines.org/SVM_soft.html SVM and Kernel Methods Matlab Toolbox http://asi.insa-rouen.fr/enseignants/~arakoto/toolbox/ SVM Classification using linear and quadratic penalization of misclassified examples ( penalization coefficients can be different ...