
[Article] Gracillariidae in Russia and Adjacent Countries 前苏联地区的细蛾
戴小华 2010-3-29 13:06
Gracillariidae in Russia and Adjacent Countries 前苏联地区的细蛾 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Kuznetzov V I, Baryshnikova (Seksyayeva) S V. 1998. Brief catalogue of the mining moths of the Fam. Gracillariidae (Lepidoptera) of Russia and adjacent countries. ...
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我收集的潜叶虫论著和重要综述 Books/reviews on leafminers
戴小华 2010-1-30 23:20
1 我收集的潜叶虫论著和重要综述:最早,最迟 1 Books/reviews on leafminers that I have collected: earliest, latest 中国 China:1986,2009; 日本 Japan:1966,2009; 欧洲 Europe:1951,2010; 美国 USA:1928,2009; 澳洲 Australia New Zealand:1881,2010 2 潜叶虫文献丰富度 2 The richness ...
个人分类: References 参考文献|3963 次阅读|没有评论
[Book] Host specialization in the world Agromyzidae (Diptera) 世界双翅目潜蝇科的寄主专化性
戴小华 2009-10-15 22:49
Host specialization in the world Agromyzidae (Diptera) 世界双翅目潜蝇科的寄主专化性 Spencer, K. A. Host specialization in the world Agromyzidae (Diptera). 1990. Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant ...
个人分类: References 参考文献|4844 次阅读|2 个评论
[Book] Familie Coleophoridae 鞘蛾科 Family Coleophoridae
戴小华 2009-8-30 16:41
Familie Coleophoridae 鞘蛾科 Family Coleophoridae Biesenbaum, W. van der Wolf, H.W., 1999 - Die Lepidopterenfauna der Rheinlande und Westfalens, Band 7, Familie Coleophoridae Hbner, , 333pp., XXIX pl. Inhalt Einleitung Lebensweise und Gefhrdung Nomenklatur und Sys ...
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[Journal] 特辑:潜叶昆虫的生物学 Biology of leaf mining insects 絵かき虫の生物学
戴小华 2009-8-29 18:45
昆虫と自然 2009年 6月号 Vol. 44 No. 7 特集:絵かき虫の生物学 価格:定価1,800円(税込) 特集編輯 広渡 俊哉 特集「絵かき虫の生物学」 ◆総論 絵かき虫の生物学         広渡 俊哉 ◆潜葉生活への数奇なる適応            加藤 真 ◆コチョッキリ属の潜葉性          ...
个人分类: References 参考文献|6175 次阅读|1 个评论
[Book] Small Moths of Europe 欧洲小蛾类
戴小华 2009-8-5 16:18
Small Moths of Europe 欧洲小蛾类 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant KRENEK V. - Small Moths of Europe. ?esk Těn 2000. 174pp Fine photographs taken through a binocular microscope of 242 species from 37 families. Brief introductory text for e ...
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[Book] A Field Guide to the Smaller Moths of South-East Asia 东南亚小蛾类野外指南
戴小华 2009-8-5 16:02
A Field Guide to the Smaller Moths of South-East Asia 东南亚小蛾类野外指南 关键字:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Robinson, G.S., Tuck, K.R., Shaffer, M. and Cook, K. (1994). A field guide to the smaller moths of South-East Asia. Malaysian Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur ...
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[Book] Microlepidoptera of the Philippine Islands 菲律宾群岛的小蛾类
戴小华 2009-8-5 15:38
Microlepidoptera of the Philippine Islands 菲律宾群岛的小蛾类 关键字:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Diakonoff, A. 1968: Microlepidoptera of the Philippine Islands. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 257: 1-484. Contents目录 Introduction导言 Ackn ...
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[CD-ROM] Agromyzidae of the World 世界潜蝇科
戴小华 2009-8-5 15:06
Agromyzidae of the World 世界潜蝇科 关键字:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Dempewolf, 2004 M. Dempewolf, Arthropods of Economic Importance Agromyzidae of the World (CD-ROM). ETI, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam The mining flies are a highly diverse d ...
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[Book 书] The Agromyzidae from India 印度潜蝇科昆虫
戴小华 2009-4-20 18:28
Singh S. Ipe I. M. (1973) The Agromyzidae from India. Agra, St. Johns College (Memoirs of the School of Entomology, No. 1) pp 1-286. Contents 目录 Editorial 编者 Contents 目录 Preface 前言 ChapterI Introduction 第一章 介绍 1. Family ...
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