
Notes of my internship in the Neurology Department (11/7/4)
热度 2 胡俊龙 2011-7-4 23:52
Accoding to internship program made by the clinical college,I get access to the Neurology Department today. Myfirst assignment arranged by my clinical taking teach teacher is to measure every patient's BP,which made mequite confused by the purpose forscra ...
3294 次阅读|5 个评论 热度 2
热度 2 胡俊龙 2011-3-4 20:52
浅谈“医本仁术” 寒假期间,我看了由演员邓超领衔主演的电视剧《军医》,故事发生在抗战年代,剧中的几个小情节使我对“医与医生”的性质思考了很久。 其中有一幕是主人公林炳锟不顾国军伤兵的反对、猜忌、甚至唾骂,毅然选择先为伤势最为严重的一名日本战俘做 ...
4711 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 2

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