
when i want to play, I come here to write
王姗姗 2012-5-29 13:38
Give up the QQ space where I used to show up. It is a useful tool for keeping in toch with close friends. however, sometimes we forgot it just a virtual world but thought it isthe backyard. we show ourselvesto all the human beings on theinternetand pay attention toothe ...
个人分类: PhD|2638 次阅读|没有评论
exercise plan
王姗姗 2012-5-27 16:40
I played badminton with Luo just now. I am so sweaty and clumsy like an old one.Icall myself a lab potato. every morning I go to the lab, sit before my computer, simulate my model or write the papertill the nightI go home.my neck,shoulder and back are notin good condi ...
2435 次阅读|没有评论
be confident
热度 1 王姗姗 2012-5-25 19:29
I should be confident, not so self-inferiority, so shy and so neverous when making a presentation. I should learnsome skills to be confidentwhile making the heartstronger. 1. stronger heart. Relying on Lord every day and try my best. 2. practise the ability of expressing my ...
个人分类: PhD|2360 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
What makes a Ph.D student successful
王姗姗 2012-5-24 19:50
today I read some articles written by Matt Might, assitantprofessor in some university.( http://matt.might.net/articles/ ) He told me how to bea successfulph.d student.the secret is perseverance, tenacity and cogency. perseverance. when there is a will, there is a ...
个人分类: PhD|4080 次阅读|没有评论
王姗姗 2012-2-12 07:59
个人分类: PhD|2322 次阅读|没有评论
王姗姗 2011-10-11 15:38
剛公開發表完。一年來,沮喪不自信,到現在還是沒有清楚思路。依然困頓中。政策評價這東西,太考驗人了。有點懷疑自己是不是搞這塊的料了。老師每次點評的時候都覺得自己茅塞頓開,可過兩天又堵上了。我很勤奮,有時竟不知道自己在忙什麼。不是看上去很勤奮,必須拿出結果來。拿出你的勇氣你的野心,振作起來。不要自暴自 ...
个人分类: PhD|3466 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 王姗姗 2011-9-16 18:26
将近3个月没来科学网逛了,这三个月有平静有开心有焦躁有崩溃有修复,回归平静。 近期有课题发表,好好准备。加油。
个人分类: PhD|2488 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1

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