
Car Lab Tour Takes Me Back to My Roots
Sharon Ruwart 2008-4-21 15:05
A few weeks ago I visited Hunan University , which was like going back to my roots in two different ways. Changsha has a special place in my heart, of course, because thats where I first came to China as an English teacher in 1985 (before many of you were born, I& ...
个人分类: My Life|11151 次阅读|6 个评论
China's First Lunar 成语: What Should it Be?
热度 3 Sharon Ruwart 2008-3-10 13:26
China's First Lunar 成语 : What Should it Be? I read today that China plans another manned space launch later this year. Future plans call for a Chinese moon landing sometime between now and 2020. Hate to admit it, but I'm old enough to remember (ba ...
个人分类: My Life|7339 次阅读|15 个评论 热度 3
US Election: Notes from a Citizen Abroad
Sharon Ruwart 2008-3-6 15:28
I've been asked to write about the US presidential election, which as most people know is uniquely exciting this year. I'm the farthest thing from an expert on US electoral politics, but allow me to offer some perspectives as an ordinary voter. I hope it's of some interest! Here are some aspects I ...
个人分类: My Life|7350 次阅读|2 个评论
Playing with a Dead Language
热度 2 Sharon Ruwart 2007-12-5 09:12
As you all know, I love language and have made working with languages - English and others - a cornerstone of my career. It's also, in a way, my hobby, since reading world literature is a favorite pasttime. Latin was the first language I ever studied. My middle school,which wa ...
个人分类: My Life|15310 次阅读|10 个评论 热度 2
Around the world....and back again
热度 1 Sharon Ruwart 2007-12-3 19:14
So sorry to all for the long silence - bloggers are not supposed to go offline for a month, like I just did. I've been traveling around the world on a series of work-related projects and conferences. I'm relieved to finally be back home in Beijing ! I've made a resolution that I'll bl ...
个人分类: My Life|7418 次阅读|5 个评论 热度 1
English: Bridge and Barrier
Sharon Ruwart 2007-10-17 11:40
Thanks for your welcoming comments for my first blog entry! Since posting it, I've visited several other universities in China. I went looking for posters and kiosks to find out what students are doing, but now I know from your comments that most of the actionand informati ...
个人分类: My Life|15021 次阅读|20 个评论
On Safari: Seeking the "Special Flavor" of China's Universities
Sharon Ruwart 2007-9-28 16:18
This is my first time blogging ona Chinese website.Thank you toScienceNet for giving me the chance! For my first post I'm writing about some impressions of Chinese universities compared to Western ones. I'm happy to have your suggestions for future ...
个人分类: My Life|10721 次阅读|18 个评论

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