01. TACC2008, A great acadmic event 02. Rudy Marcus, the Chemistry Nobel laureate 03. Karplus Martin and Dongqing Wei, the chairman of TACC2008 04. Karplus Martin 05. Audience 06. Disscussion b ...
I very much enjoyed both the scientific program, as well as the opportunity to visit Shanghai. The scientific program was of high quality, and the conference venue was excellent. Thank you for all of your work in putting the meeting together. Dr. A. K. Wilson, Assoc ...
Dear friends, Many thanks for your participation of TACC. We would like to express our gratitude for many participants who sent us emails to congratulate us on a successful confernece. Indeed, we enjoy your presentations and are most happy you were able to joun us for this wonderful conference. ...
2008 年 9 月 23 日 至 9 月 27 日 ,由国际交叉学科科学家联合会 (Internet Association of Scientists in the Interdisciplinary Area, AISIA) 发起,由上海交通大学承办的第二届理论与计算化学国际会议 (The International Conference on the Theory and Application of Computational Ch ...