
ECEG 2011
王芳 2010-8-9 10:41
The conference next year is being hosted by University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia on the 16-17 June 2011. http://academic-conferences.org/eceg/eceg2011/eceg11-home.htm
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迄今为止唯一的女性诺贝尔经济学奖得主:Elinor Estrom
王芳 2010-4-23 23:49
Idol: Elinor Estrom 主要著作: Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action Ostrom, Elinor, Cambridge University Press, 1990 Institutional Incentives and Sustainable Development: Infrastructure Policies in Perspective Ostrom, Elinor, and Schroeder, Larry, and ...
个人分类: 电子政务|4860 次阅读|没有评论
王芳 2010-4-21 10:28
上学期教授曾希望在四月的时候在中心做个报告。由于手上一直忙着各种事情,直到四月初才得空开始准备,中间还不时地被其它事情打断。按照中心秘书安排的时间,今天终于完成了这个任务,内容是关于制度演进方面的。讲的时间有点长,但效果还不错。教授和其它同事给予了肯定。讲之前有点紧张,毕竟是用英文给美国人讲,但讲 ...
个人分类: 电子政务|3333 次阅读|没有评论
王芳 2010-3-31 01:27
此文是在我们前期研究基础上的观点总结,发表于《电子政务》2009年第8期。附PDF格式全文。 我国电子政务发展现状与对策研究
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Reading notes: Building the Virtual State(4)
王芳 2010-3-24 08:55
I have been waiting for the coming of the 6th chapter, Enacting Technology: an institutional perspective. After a long depiction of theoretical background, the author has sketched the analytical frame. What theory will be chosen? what new theory will be formulated? What is the relat ...
个人分类: 电子政务|3633 次阅读|没有评论
Reading notes: Building the Virtual State(3)
王芳 2010-3-21 09:32
Fountain cites a large number of researches from economics, enterprise management, and new public management in the fourth chapter, because the network istoo new to government research field for the author to findusable research results. Although networkorganizations emerge ...
个人分类: 电子政务|3608 次阅读|1 个评论
Reading notes: Building the Virtual State(2)
王芳 2010-3-21 03:35
Building the Virtual State comprises two parts: theory and practice. In theory part, there are 6 parts in total: Introduction, Leveraging cyberspace to reinvent government, networked computing Bureaucracy, Inter-organizational networks, and Enacting technology:an institutional ...
个人分类: 电子政务|3759 次阅读|没有评论
Reading notes: Building the Virtual State(1)
王芳 2010-3-20 04:21
The first time I met the Chinese translationversion of this book Building the Virtual State: Information Technology and Institutional Change was one year ago at the Feng Ru Song Bookstore, which is a famous academic bookstore at the south gate of Peking University. But I knew of& ...
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