
Trump sucks in social media big data in Spanish
热度 1 李维 2016-10-30 22:47
As promised, let us get down to the business of big data mining of public opinions and sentiments from Spanish social media on the US election campaign. We know that in the automated mining of public opinions and sentiments for Trump and Clinton we did before , Spanish-Americans are severely und ...
个人分类: 社媒挖掘|5215 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
李维 2016-10-26 22:07
Clinton, 5 years ago. How time flies ... 克林顿白,立委黑, “立委,你的头发太有个性了。” 无独有偶,黑白的对比引来大小的反差。居然比立委的头发还白,岂有此理 “好想知道 Clinton 在你背後說的是好話,還是壞話?” 背后说的话哪里有好话?你看他那阵势,不知道编排了多少 ...
个人分类: 其他杂碎|5798 次阅读|没有评论
Big data mining shows clear social rating decline of Trump
李维 2016-10-24 06:47
Big data mining from last month' social media shows clear decline of Trump in comparison with Clinton Our automatic big data mining for public opinions and sentiments from social media speaks loud and clear: Tump's social image sucks. Look at last 30 days of social media on the Hillar ...
个人分类: 社媒挖掘|4966 次阅读|没有评论
From IBM's Jeopardy robot, Apple's Siri, to new Google MT
李维 2016-10-9 08:57
Latest Headline News: Samsung acquires Viv, a next-gen AI assistant built by the creators of Apple's Siri . Wei: Some people are just smart, or shrewd, more than we can imagine. I am talking about Fathers of Siri, who have been so successful with their technology that they managed to ...
个人分类: 立委科普|3688 次阅读|没有评论
李维 2016-10-6 14:43
最近新闻:【 三星收购 VIV 超级智能平台,与 Siri 和 Google 展开智能助理三国杀 】 我: 人要是精明,真是没治。一个 Siri,可以卖两次,而且都是天价,都是巨头,并且买家还是对头,也是奇了。最奇的是,Siri 迄今还是做玩具多于实用,满足好奇心多于满足市场的刚性需求。最最奇的是,Siri 里面的奥妙并不艰深,有类 ...
个人分类: 立委科普|3857 次阅读|没有评论
Who we are. Not an ad, but a snapshot.
热度 1 李维 2016-9-27 18:44
from http://www.netbase.com/about-netbase/ 09/27/2016 WHO WE ARE We help the world’s leading brands and agencies deliver business value from enterprise social analytics no other solution can match. EMPOWERING GLOBAL BUSINESSES WITH SOCIAL INSIGHTS We a ...
个人分类: 立委其人|3767 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
说“海外学人建言巨型对撞机: 支撑黄金十年国家战略优先是关键"
热度 1 李维 2016-9-19 13:59
说说“海外学人建言巨型对撞机: 支撑黄金十年国家战略优先是关键”的话题 作者: mirror (*) 日期: 2016/09/18 00:59:02 “海外学人建言巨型对撞机: 支撑黄金十年国家战略优先是关键” 是篇不错的文章,但被不知为何被改了题目。原来的题目是《 造就中国大科学工程的黄金十年,支撑国家战略优秀是关键 》。题目虽 ...
个人分类: 镜子大全|4191 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1

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