
MODELLER 9v8 user manual
袁曙光 2010-7-2 21:20
Andrej ˇSali with help from Ben Webb, M.S. Madhusudhan, Min-Yi Shen, Marc A. Mart?-Renom, Narayanan Eswar, Frank Alber, Maya Topf, Baldomero Oliva, Andr´as Fiser, Roberto S´anchez, Bozidar Yerkovich, Azat Badretdinov, Francisco Melo, John P. Overington, and Eric Feyfant email: modeller-c ...
个人分类: 科研笔记|5423 次阅读|没有评论
One self rendered 3D figure
袁曙光 2010-6-28 12:55
个人分类: 科研笔记|2895 次阅读|2 个评论
袁曙光 2010-6-11 04:29
It is of great importance to backup our system so that it would be very helpful when it is cracked or reinstalled. The System Backup module in SUSE Linux YAST enable us to finish this task easily. click manually backup give some basic parameters and click Next.... Now Bac ...
个人分类: Linux相关|3251 次阅读|没有评论
Labplot---linux下的Origin(内附labplot manual)
袁曙光 2010-5-29 03:23
Recently, I am analyzing the MD results of Desmond and found that the plot tools embeded in Desmond itself is not so nice. So it is wise to plot the raw date by other independent plot tools. As we all know that Origin is a perfect data and plot analysis tools under Windows, while Labplot would be a ...
个人分类: Linux相关|13288 次阅读|1 个评论
Amber11+AmberTools 1.4并行安装
袁曙光 2010-5-28 15:42
系统:SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 Sp3 Desktop X86 编译器:Intel ifort 11.1 Intel MKL 10.2 Intel ICC 11.1 并行工具:mpich2-1.2.1 先安装编译器和并行工具,然后配置编译器环境变量: #Amber11 setenv AMBERHOME /soft/amber11 set path=($AMBERHOME $p ...
个人分类: 科研笔记|5798 次阅读|没有评论

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