
What to expect from btrfs file system on openSUSE 13.2?
袁曙光 2014-11-12 18:40
November 12th, 2014 by Douglas DeMaio From https://news.opensuse.org As the first major Linux distribution to have btrfs as the default file system , what can users and developers expect from openSUSE 13.2? How is the systems capabilities enhanced? Btrfs h ...
个人分类: Linux相关|2980 次阅读|没有评论
SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 release notes
袁曙光 2014-10-30 15:42
From https://www.suse.com/releasenotes/x86_64/SUSE-SLED/12/ free Download: https://download.suse.com Release Notes These release notes are generic for all SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 based products. Some parts may not apply to particular architectures or p ...
个人分类: Linux相关|3612 次阅读|没有评论
install NVIDIA Optimus for laptop
袁曙光 2014-5-23 03:28
Nowadays, it is quite common and popular to have two dedicated graphic cards in laptop: usually, one is intergrated (eg: intel HD4xxx ) and the other is indepedent (eg: Nvidia GTX xxx). Such strategy can save laptop energy if we use integrated card for document task; while we can switch to inde ...
个人分类: Linux相关|7205 次阅读|没有评论
convert multimedia between different formats
袁曙光 2014-5-5 04:00
Converting multimedia between different formats can be needed for different purposes. Although there are many tools under Windows, it is still feasible for such task under Linux OS including both command line and GUI end tool. Here are some popular methods for such purposes: ...
个人分类: Linux相关|3355 次阅读|没有评论
Linux Kernel 3.13 released
袁曙光 2014-1-21 04:09
From : http://kernelnewbies.org/ Linux 3.13 Linux 3.13 was released on Sun, 19 Jan 2014. Summary : This release includes nftables, the successor of iptables, a revamp of the block layer designed for high-performance SSDs, a power capping framework to cap power consumption ...
个人分类: Linux相关|4764 次阅读|没有评论
SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP3 Authorized Beta Program
袁曙光 2013-2-15 00:37
SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP3  Authorized Beta Program
Words from SUSE developer: "We plan to have a call together with each Beta release, where we highlight some topics. Let me invite you to the Kick Off call in our Beta Test, where SUSE Linux product managers will present new features in SLE 11 SP3..."
个人分类: Linux相关|5434 次阅读|没有评论
SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP3 is on the road
袁曙光 2013-2-7 18:43
2013-02-14 SLE 11 SP3 Beta 1 + Conference call: New features 2013-02-28 SLE 11 SP3 Beta 2 + Conference call: UEFI + Secureboot 2013-03-07 Mid Survey 2013-03-14 SLE 11 SP3 Beta 3 + Conference call: HA + Geo 2013-04-04 SLE 11 SP3 Beta 4 + Co ...
个人分类: Linux相关|4723 次阅读|没有评论
dos2unix, simple and helpful command
袁曙光 2013-1-26 01:34
Recently my colleague N provided me a script converting Desmond Viparr1 format into Vippar3 format. When I tried to run it under my Linux OS, it always claimed: : command not foundine 30: awk: cmd. line:1: fatal: cannot open file `XJUNKX' for reading (No such file or directory) awk: cmd. li ...
个人分类: Linux相关|3505 次阅读|没有评论
DirSync Pro, a powerful and free file sync tool
袁曙光 2012-11-23 18:53
DirSync Pro, a powerful and free file sync tool
Here Irecommenda free file sync tool:DirSync Pro which works under Linux, Windows and macOS. Although it based on JAVA, it is stillamazingfast when sync files between local disk and USB hard disk. Download link: http://www.dirsyncpro.org/download.htm ...
个人分类: Linux相关|5170 次阅读|没有评论
Install SUSE LINUX on macBookPro 10.8.2
热度 1 袁曙光 2012-10-20 02:07
Install SUSE LINUX on macBookPro 10.8.2
It is definitely a completely nightmare of macOS for computational work: Schrodinger software is so slow in apple and the "talbe" menu even cannot be open; VMD always crashed as soon as it start; there is no Discoverystudio version under macOS.... For computational purpose, we need a Linux O ...
个人分类: Linux相关|5903 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1

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