
Shared it 6 Years ago.....6 年前的分享
萧文龙 2023-8-19 17:17
Shared it 6 Years ago.....6 年前的分享,真是耗尽心力呀 花了好长时间与精力,大致初步完成了 An evolution of SEM An evolution of SEM mediation analysis An evolution of SEM moderation analysis An evolution of Mediated moderation and Moderated Mediation analysis An evolution of PLS-SEM 还欠一张co ...
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[Knowledge Sharing 18] 知識分享
萧文龙 2023-8-19 17:16
知識分享 Top 22 common errors and 8 new guidelines for SEM Common error (issue) 18: Is HTMT only used in PLS-SEM? No, HTMT is applied to CB-SEM and PLS-SEM To assess discriminant validity: the heterotrait-monotrait ratio of correlations (HTMT) Reference Henseler, J., Ringle, C. ...
个人分类: 经验分享|1057 次阅读|没有评论
[重要信息分享] 解释一下
萧文龙 2023-8-19 17:15
近期有网友反应,看不懂我分享的信息,Top 22 common errors and 8 new guidelines for SEM ,真是不好意思,解释一下好了。 一般投稿期刊论文,除了有趣和重要外,都需要经过严谨的审查和修改,使用SEM 方法的师生在收到 reviewers 意见时,其中有些不知道如何处理? 1. 由于我担任多个期刊的 AE和SE, 每年都 ...
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[Knowledge Sharing 17] 知識分享
萧文龙 2023-8-19 17:14
知識分享 Top 22 common errors and 8 new guidelines for SEM Common error (issue) 17: Real impacts Direct effect Indirect effect Total effect Reference Wen-Lung Shiau and Margaret Meiling Luo (2012) “Factors Affecting Online Group Buying Intention and Satisfaction: A Social Exchange T ...
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[Knowledge Sharing 16] 知識分享
萧文龙 2023-8-16 20:36
知識分享 Top 22 common errors and 8 new guidelines for SEM Common error (issue) 16: Control variables in SEM Differences in Control variables ? and Marker variables??? 1. collective variables 2. individual variables Reference MacKenzie, S. B., Podsakoff, P. M., Podsak ...
个人分类: 经验分享|788 次阅读|没有评论
[Knowledge Sharing 15] 知識分享
萧文龙 2023-8-15 23:15
知識分享 Top 22 common errors and 8 new guidelines for SEM Common error (issue) 15: Second order (Reflective-Formative type) 4 types: reflective–reflective (RR) , reflective–formative (RF) , formative–reflective(FR), formative–formative (FF) Estimation: Repeated measurement 2 ...
个人分类: 经验分享|639 次阅读|没有评论
[Knowledge Sharing 14] 知識分享
萧文龙 2023-8-15 21:42
知識分享 Top 22 common errors and 8 new guidelines for SEM Common error (issue) 14: Model misspecification in SEM 1. Reflective model 2. Formative model 3. Mixed model Reference MacKenzie, S. B., Podsakoff, P. M., Podsakoff, N. P. (2011). Construct Measurement and Valida ...
个人分类: 经验分享|844 次阅读|没有评论
[Knowledge Sharing 13] 知識分享
萧文龙 2023-8-13 15:18
知識分享 Top 22 common errors and 8 new guidelines for SEM Common error (issue) 13: PLS-SEM model comparison PLSpredict for Models and/or PLS-MGA: Comparisons for path coefficient Reference Shmueli, G., Ray, S., Estrada, J. M. V., Chatla, S. B. 2016. “The Elephant ...
个人分类: 经验分享|805 次阅读|没有评论
[Knowledge Sharing 12] 知識分享
萧文龙 2023-8-12 22:25
知識分享 Top 22 common errors and 8 new guidelines for SEM Common error (issue) 12: CB-SEM model comparison Nested comparison (Kai square: X² ) Non-nested comparison(F statistics) R square Reference Wen-Lung Shiau, and Patrick Y.K. Chau, (2012),Understanding blog continuance: ...
个人分类: 经验分享|888 次阅读|没有评论
[Knowledge Sharing 11] 知識分享
萧文龙 2023-8-11 23:32
知識分享 Top 22 common errors and 8 new guidelines for SEM Common error (issue) 11: Measurement Invariance and/or Group comparison Difference: MICOM procedure (non-significant) PLS-MGA( significant) Reference Li-Chun Huang, and Wen-Lung Shiau, (2017). “Factors ...
个人分类: 经验分享|797 次阅读|没有评论

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