
Welcome my friends to visit us at CGU
萧文龙 2023-12-11 19:31
Welcome my friends to visit us at CGU. Really appreciate Prof. Jianqing Chen's talk at Chang Gung University. 有朋自远方来,感谢 美国德州大学达拉斯分校 陈建清教授的精彩讲座
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SASEM2023 updates
萧文龙 2023-11-9 18:11
SASEM2023 updates 歡迎大家來參加 重要的 SEM 研討會 SASEM2023 工作坊· 16-17 November: 2-day Conference 18 November: Concurrent Research Workshops Venue: RAIA Hotel Kuching KopiLab Note: You can register as a non-presenting delegate or only for the workshop on 18 Nov. ...
个人分类: 学术讲座|1030 次阅读|没有评论
【活动预告】顶尖学者 Prof. Michael D. Myers 的讲座信息
萧文龙 2023-11-6 16:37
【活动预告】顶尖学者 Prof. Michael D. Myers 的讲座信息 Topic : My experience publishing in top journals – Two examples Taipei Time: 11/29,10:00-11:30 By Prof. Michael D. Myers, University of Auckland Business School Hosted by Prof. Wen-Lung Shiau (Chang Gung University) Abstract ...
个人分类: 学术讲座|9765 次阅读|没有评论
Dear all: PACIS 2023 早鸟票即将于6月10日截止!
萧文龙 2023-6-11 17:37
Dear all: PACIS 2023 早鸟票即将于6月10日截止!欢迎大家参会交流,大会网址 https://pacis2023.aisconferences.org/about/conference-committee/ My Workshop: Use and Misuse of SEM in IS field 欢迎大家前來交流,謝謝
个人分类: 学术讲座|1542 次阅读|没有评论
[Former EIC of MISQ] Prof. Allen Lee\'s talk is online
萧文龙 2021-12-21 11:42
Prof. Allen Lee's talk is online. Topic: Philosophy, Design, Positivism, and Interpretivism Prof. Allen Lee 特大牛教授的精彩讲座已经上线了。 先前错过的,请上线 观看和继续关注支持,谢谢。 https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTgyNzQwNjgxNg==.html
个人分类: 学术讲座|1429 次阅读|没有评论

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