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Kudos Project:重新评价狭义相对论

已有 3097 次阅读 2021-7-12 16:55 |系统分类:论文交流


Re-evaluating the theory of special relativity


What is it about?



The invariance of the speed of light is a critical assumption or principle of the theory of special relativity. In vacuum regardless of your inertial frame of reference, the speed of light is a constant 299,792,458 meters per second everywhere you look.

Or is it? 

Jian’an Wang, former professor of physics at Shenzhen University, is reviving an age-old theory that could explain the bizarre principle proposed by the theory of special relativity. 


According to Wang, the universe is permeated by a background substance called “ether,” and each particle or object carries an etheric layer (sphere of influence) that surrounds and moves with it. But unlike the ether (or “aether”) proposed to exist by physics giants such as Aristotle,Rene Descartes,Christian Huygens,Isaac Newton and James Clerk Maxwell, Wang’s ether isn’t material—it’s energy. 


This spatial background energy, Wang describes, gives the apparent constancy of the speed of light and the "velocity" effects, such as time dilation, size contraction, mass increase, in a completely different physical sense from the special relativity. These “velocity” effects are not relative but absolute. Using these absolute velocity effects, Wang gives the energy source of earthquakes and volcanoes, the cause of the Ice Ages, and explains the Tunguska explosion. 



Wang proposes a series of experiments that could be performed to prove the existence of ether, one of which includes performing the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1881 (which famously ushered in the era of relativity) aboard the International Space Station. 

Jian’an Wang received his bachelor’s degree in experimental nuclear physics in 1982 from the Department of Modern Physics at the University of Science and Technology of China. Upon graduating, he was assigned to the China Institute of Atomic Energy, where he studied nuclear reactions of charged particles. In 1985, he was admitted to the Department of Physics at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, from which he received a master’s degree. He obtained a Ph.D. in 1996 from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, for his research on laser luminescent materials. Wang entered the Department of Physics at Shenzhen University as an assistant professor in 1999 and retired in 2012.



Why is it important?



The existence of an ether could reshape our view of reality and how we measure and interact with it, and reshape our conception of space and time. More immediately, testing theories old and new is the essence of scientific investigation. Accumulating evidence is what lends strength to theories and underpins our understanding of the universe.



Audience Briefings




Reviving the ether



July 1, 2021 – China – Nature, as the saying goes, abhors a vacuum. Scientists of the 19th century shared that sentiment.



With growing evidence that light propagated in the form of waves, many scientists tried to give substance to the apparent emptiness that enabled light to behave in this way. This so-called “ether,” they posited, was indeed the background against which all physical phenomena manifested. It wasn’t until Albert A. Michelson and Edward W. Morley examined the Earth's revolution around the sun in their famous 1881 experiment. If there truly was an ether-based frame of motion, then the speed of light along the direction of our planet’s motion would vary relative to any direction perpendicular. Michelson and Morley found that wasn’t the case. The speed of light was essentially constant everywhere. That result ostensibly primed the physics world for the development of the theory of special relativity—and lay ether theories to rest.



But for Jian’an Wang, former professor at Shenzhen University, that might be a hasty conclusion yet. In one of his most recent papers, Wang lays a mathematical framework that describes the existence of an ether made entirely of energy. By applying this calculus, Wang finds that the classically odd features produced by special relativity—time dilation, size contraction, the increase in mass of moving objects, and the apparent invariance of the speed of light—can actually be attributed to an etheric effect.



Wang proposes several experiments that could be performed to put his theory to the test.



One includes using a particle collider to verify that the kinetic energy of a particle is only related to the speed of that particle relative to the ether, independently of the observer’s frame of reference.



Another proposes to simulate the formation of natural iron meteorites that demonstrate that atoms shrink with an increase in etheric density in space.



And, of course, Wang also calls for a re-do of the Michelson-Morley experiment, only this time aboard the International Space Station. On the ISS, the thinking goes, measurements won’t be muddled by Earth’s tendency to drag the ether with it as it moves—which, Wang explains, renders the ether invisible in terrestrial experiments.



Challenging the theory of special relativity is no small or easy task. But it’s one that Wang approaches with admittedly great curiosity. In his own words, “[T]here is no end to science, and the spirit of science is to keep exploring. Although special relativity has achieved great success, it is by no means the end of physics.”


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