
匡琛 2019-3-11 20:56
PATRICK LEE GREEN (2019-02-13 to 2021-01-31) Genome editing to prevent HTLV-1 disease. Amount: $195000 基因组编辑,以防止HTLV-1疾病 Abstract Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is a retrovirus and the causative infectious agent of both HTLV-1- associated myelopathy/tropical spa ...
2132 次阅读|没有评论
匡琛 2019-3-8 21:43
那年毕业~一台佳能70D,带着3个人,忙着给大四、研三毕业生拍毕业季照片; 唏嘘的是,当年毕业论文都没准备好就先拿着以前做项目比赛的模板做了答辩ppt,就上台答辩了; 非常尴尬啊! 怎么当年就没有天人相助呢? 又是一年毕业季,转眼间都已经研三开始硕博连读了; 听说现在有个毕业论文数据画图分析+答辩 ...
3379 次阅读|没有评论
匡琛 2019-3-7 21:39
Abstract Taxol is a natural compound that possesses impressive anticancer medicinal properties with demonstrated efficacy against carcinomas of the ovary, breast, lung, head and neck, bladder and cervix, melanomas, and AIDS-related Karposi's sarcoma. This outstanding medicinal tr ...
3906 次阅读|没有评论
匡琛 2019-3-6 22:15
一种用于重组糖蛋白生产的新型转基因家蚕系统 Abstract Many biomedically significant proteins, including antibodies, cytokines, anticoagulants, blood clotting factors, and others are glycoproteins. Thus, there is a high demand for systems that can be used to produce recombinant glycoprot ...
1660 次阅读|没有评论
匡琛 2019-3-6 22:14
一种用于重组糖蛋白生产的新型转基因家蚕系统 Abstract Many biomedically significant proteins, including antibodies, cytokines, anticoagulants, blood clotting factors, and others are glycoproteins. Thus, there is a high demand for systems that can be used to produce recombinant glycoprot ...
1443 次阅读|没有评论
匡琛 2019-3-1 08:44
今天我要先推荐一个自动免费追踪文献的人工智能神器:stork; 仅仅需要一个邮箱,1分钟可以注册30个账号一点都不夸张,(这让我想起了13年前我们一堆小学生在网吧比谁注册一个QQ号最快的画面,依稀记得最快的也得30min);你只要添加自己关注的文献关键词,这款神器就相当于个人量身定制的微博热搜,每天用这款神器精准追踪 ...
2222 次阅读|没有评论
匡琛 2019-2-24 22:21
有人需要检索美国国立卫生研究院经费数据库的吗,关注以下公众号 ,免费检索~
4135 次阅读|没有评论
一分耕耘 一分收获
匡琛 2019-1-19 19:36
hello,world! 大家好,我是匡琛。
1526 次阅读|没有评论

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