


已有 3745 次阅读 2020-8-16 14:09 |系统分类:人文社科

1. 想要掌控天下的人,须先能够掌控自己。(苏格拉底)

Those who want to control the world must be able to control themselves first. (Socrates)

2. 小孩子怕黑暗,情有可原;人生真正的悲剧是当成年人怕光明之时。(柏拉图)

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. (Plato)

3. 逆境是人类获得知识的最高学府,困境是人们获得智慧的通道。(柏拉图)

Adversity is the highest institution for human beings to acquire knowledge, and the difficulty is the door for people to acquire wisdom. (Plato)

4. 世上最快乐的事莫过于为理想而奋斗。(柏拉图)

The happiest thing in the world is to strive for the ideal. (Plato)

5. 每天反复做的事造就了我们。然后你会发现,优秀不是一个行为,而是一种习惯。(亚里士多德)

What we do over and over again every day makes us, and then you will find that excellence is not an act but a habit. (Aristotle)

6. 别忘了:我们飞得越高,在不能飞的人眼中我们的形象就越是渺小。(尼采)

Don't forget: the higher we fly, the smaller our image in the eyes of those who can't fly. (Nietzsche)

7. 终将震撼人间者必长久深自缄默;终将引发闪电者必长久如云漂泊。(尼采)

He who will shake the world will remain silent for a long time; he who will light lightning will wander like cloud for a long time. (Nietzsche)

8. 人性最特有的一个弱点就是:在意他人如何看待自己。(亚瑟 · 叔本华)

One of the most special weaknesses of the human nature is that it cares about how others think of themselves. (Arthur ·Schopenhauer)

9. 没有一定程度的孤独,就不可能有内心的平和。(亚瑟 · 叔本华)

It is impossible to have inner peace without a certain degree of loneliness.  (Arthur · Schopenhauer)

10. 人类从历史学到的唯一教训就是人类没有从历史中吸取任何教训。(黑格尔)

The only lesson that human beings have learned from history is that they have not learned any lesson from history. (Hegel)

11. 发怒是以他人的过错或邪恶来惩罚你自己。(康德)

To get angry is to punish yourself with the mistakes or evils of others. (Kant)

12. 自由不是让你想做什么就做什么,自由是教你不想做什么就可以不做什么。(康德)

Freedom is not to let you do what you want to do, freedom is to teach you not to do what you don't want to do. (Kant)

13. 一切伟大的行动和思想都有一个微不足道的开端。(阿尔贝 · 加缪)

All great actions and thoughts have a trivial beginning. (Albert ·Camus)

14. 生活得最有意义的人并不是活得最长久的人,而是对生活最有感受的人。(卢梭)

The people who live the most meaningful life are not those who live the longest but those who feel the most about life. (Rousseau)

15. 外表的美只能取悦于人的眼睛,而内在的美却能感染人的灵魂。(伏尔泰)

The beauty of appearance can only please people's eyes, but inner beauty can infect people's souls. (Voltaire)

16. 这世界的问题在于:智者充满疑惑,而愚者却坚信不疑。(约翰 · 罗素)

The problem with the world is that smart people are full of doubts, while fools believe in it. (John ·Russell)

17. 如果你听到不同意见时发怒,这就暴露出你下意识地觉得你的观点主张没有充分理由了。因为如果你认为某人是在坚持“二加二等于五”的明显荒谬,那你就会感到怜悯而不是恼怒了。(约翰 · 罗素)

If you get angry when you hear an opinion that disagrees with you, it is a sign that you have subconsciously sensed that there is no good reason for your opinion. If someone insists that two plus two equals five, you will feel pity rather than anger. (John · Russell)

18. 读书不是为了雄辩和驳斥,也不是为了轻信和盲从,而是为了思考和权衡。(弗兰西斯 · 培根)

Reading is not for eloquence and refutation nor for credulity and blind obedience but for thinking and weighing.  (Francis ·Bacon)

19. 人生如同道路,最近的捷径通常是最坏的路。(弗兰西斯 · 培根)

Life is like a road. The nearest shortcut is usually the worst. (Francis ·Bacon)

20. 使人们宁愿相信谬误而不愿热爱真理的原因,不仅是由于探索真理的艰难,而且也是由于谬误更能迎合人类某些恶劣的天性。(弗兰西斯 · 培根)

What makes men believe falsehood rather than love truth is not only that the search for truth is hard but also that falsehood suits some bad human nature better. (Francis ·Bacon)

21. 真正可怕的,并不是那种人人都难免的一时之过,而是那种深入习俗、盘踞于人心深处的谬误与偏见。(弗兰西斯 · 培根)

What is really terrible is not the momentary slip that everyone can't avoid, but the errors and prejudices that run deep into custom and occupy depths of human souls. (Francis · Bacon)

22. 大胆假设,小心求证;认真做事,严肃做人(梭罗)

Bold hypothesis, careful verification; serious work, serious life. (Thoreau)

23. 实际上,无知的人总爱议论别人无知,而有识之士总是发现自己无知。(笛卡儿)

In fact, the ignorant always talk about the ignorance of others, but the knowledgeable always find their own ignorance. (Descartes)

24. 怀疑是智慧的源泉。(笛卡儿)

Doubt is the source of wisdom. (Descartes)

25. 仅具备卓越的智力还不够,主要问题是如何优化地施展它。(笛卡儿)

It's not enough just to have excellent intelligence. The main problem is how to use it well. (Descartes)

26. 种树者必培其根,种德者必养其心。(王守仁)

Those who plant trees must cultivate their roots, and those who plant virtues must cultivate their souls.

27. 不贵于无过,而贵于能改过。(王守仁)

It is not noble to have no faults but to be able to correct them.

28. 上善若水,水善利万物而不争。(老子)

The highest good is like water, which benefits to all things without dispute.

29. 知人者智,自知者明。胜人者力,自胜者强。知足者富,强行者志。(老子)

Those who know others are wise, and those who know themselves are bright. Those who overcome others are powerful, and those who overcome themselves are strong. Those who are usually satisfied are wealthy, and those who persevere have willpower.

30. 祸兮福所倚,福兮祸所伏。(老子)

Misfortune may be a blessing in disguise. And disaster maybe hides behind fortune.   



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