
热度 1 刘鹏飞 2018-11-10 22:27
1. 美国化学会(ACS)出版社网络出版平台 : ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces , ACS Appl. Energy Mater. , ACS Appl. Nano Mater. , ACS Appl.Electron. Mater. , ACS Energy Lett. , ACS Nano , ACS Omega , Chem. Rev. ...
个人分类: Others|8183 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
热度 1 刘鹏飞 2018-4-4 08:38
1. rel赝势下的声子谱计算产生矩阵文件*.dyn1.xml PH目录下phq_readin.f90 中的IF (noncolin) xmldyn=.TRUE. 注释掉,重新编译! 2. 优化结构固定某些原子 在要固定的某个原子坐标后面加上0 0 0. 3. ecutwfc and ecutrho norm-conserving时,ecutrho=4*ecutwfc; 而USPS下,通常ecutrho=(8~10)*e ...
个人分类: Quantum-ESPRESSO|12336 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
Calculating Effective Mass for Semiconductors
刘鹏飞 2018-2-4 11:08
1. EMC Effective mass calculator (EMC) implements calculation of the effective masses at the bands extrema using finite difference method (not the band fitting method). There are two versions of the program: written in FORTRAN and Python. Currently CRYSTAL, VASP, CASTEP are supported ...
个人分类: Electrons|7063 次阅读|没有评论
10. Quantum-ESPRESSO之能带计算
刘鹏飞 2018-1-28 09:42
个人分类: Quantum-ESPRESSO|7535 次阅读|没有评论

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