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推荐一个暑期学校——Joseph E. Stiglitz讲授

已有 13973 次阅读 2016-3-10 11:10 |个人分类:科研工作|系统分类:海外观察

Dear all,

on behalf of Professors Axel Leijonhufvud and Enrico Zaninotto of the University of Trento, it is our pleasure to inform you about the forthcoming 17th Summer School organized by the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Trento (Italy):   Intensive course in “Macroeconomic coordination and externalities ” that will be held at Hotel Villa Madruzzo in Trento (Italy), 20 June  - 1 July 2016.

We would very much appreciate your bringing the attached announcement to the attention of graduate students, Ph. D. students and post-docs. Further information about the school is available at the following web site



CEEL program in Adaptive Economic Dynamics17th Trento Summer SchoolIntensive course on
Macroeconomic Coordination And Externalities
20 June - 1 July 2016


Directors of the School:
Joseph E. Stiglitz, Columbia University
Martin Guzman, Columbia University


Joseph E. Stiglitz, Columbia University
Stefano Battiston, University of Zurich
Edoardo Gaffeo, University of Trento
Martin Guzman, Columbia University
Daniel Heymann, University of Buenos Aires and University of San Andrés
Arjun Jayadev, University of Massachusetts,
Anton Korinek, Johns Hopkins University

Program Directors

Axel Leijonhufvud, UCLA and University of Trento
Enrico Zaninotto, University of Trento

Director of CEEL

Luigi Mittone, University of Trento


Description of the school

The School will analyze macroeconomic systems of interacting agents. It will discuss the emergence of externalities and instabilities and their implications for policy. Among the topics to be considered are: i) Links between economic structure and macroeconomic performance; ii) Disaggregation as a means for understanding issues of instability and efficiency; iii) Macroeconomic effects of heterogeneous beliefs and expectations; iv) Financial imperfections and credit network effects; their consequences for the propagation of macroeconomic impulses and the intensity of systemic risks.
The course will analyze deep recessions and debt crises and the policies required to deal with them or prevent them.

During the school, students will also have an opportunity to present their own work and receive comments from faculty.

The ideal candidates for the School are Ph.D. students, post-doctoral fellows, and newly minted researchers in macroeconomics, finance; and the economics of organizations and institutions. People interested in participating in the Summer School are encouraged to fill in the application form on line and are asked to submit a curriculum vitae, a two-page essay describing their interest on Macroeconomic Coordination And Externalities, a course transcript from their PhD program, including advanced examinations passed, two letters of recommendation, and statements about their current or projected research, along with relevant research papers, if any.

Applications are due by 22 April, 2016 (h.1.00 PM - GMT+1). Admissions decisions will be announced by 10 May 2016. All applicants will be informed by e-mail about the results.
The sessions will be held at Hotel Villa Madruzzo, Trento, Italy. All participants are required to stay for the entire duration of the event. Food and accommodation will be covered by the School (except for meals during the weekend) and participants will have to cover travel expenses.
Please direct logistical questions to the Summer School secretary (ccschool@economia.unitn.it).

This is the 17th of a series of intensive courses to be offered by the Cognitive and Experimental Economics Laboratory (CEEL) with the financial support of:

Previous courses were offered in Computable Economics (2000, Director K. Vela Velupillai), Experimental Economics (2001, Director Daniel Friedman), Adaptive Economic Processes (2002, Director Peter Howitt), Behavioral Economics (2003, Directors Daniel Friedman and David Laibson), Institutional Economics (2004, Director Richard N. Langlois), Evolutionary Economic Dynamics (2005,Directors Ken Binmore and Larry Samuelson), Agent-Based Computational Economics (2006, Directors Leigh Tesfatsion and Robert Axtell), Agent-Based Finance (2007, Directors Cars Hommes and Thomas Lux), Financial Instability and Crises (2008, Directors Domenico Delli Gatti and Mauro Gallegati), Networks and Innovation (2009, Directors John Padgett, Lee Fleming and Massimo Riccaboni), Macroeconomics and Financial Crises (2010, Directors Peter Howitt, Daniel Heymann and Axel Leijonhufvud), Evolution of Social Preferences (2011, Directors Dan Friedman and Luigi Mittone), Market Design: Theory and Pragmatics (2012, Directors Dan Friedman and David Parkes), Modularity and Design for Innovation (2013, Richard Langlois), Financial Crises (2014, Axel Leijonhufvud and Daniel Heymann) and Inequality and the Changing Distribution of Income (2015, Axel Leijonhufvud, Martin Guzman, Daniel Heymann, Enrico Zaninotto).


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