
The Plant Cell:植物磷稳态和生长发育的分子关联(深圳大学)
郝兆东 2023-4-14 23:36
INDETERMINATE1 autonomously regulates phosphate homeostasis upstream of the miR399- ZmPHO2 signaling module in maize ...
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The Plant Cell:植物盐胁迫过程中SOS1的转录调控机制(河南大学)
郝兆东 2023-4-13 23:55
CycC1; 1-WRKY75 complex-mediated transcriptional regulation of SOS1 controls salt stress tolerance in Arabidopsis ...
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郝兆东 2023-4-11 22:58
Cooperative action of separate interaction domains promotes high-affinity DNA binding of Arabidopsis thaliana ARF transcription factors ...
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郝兆东 2023-4-10 22:39
Genome balance and dosage effect drive allopolyploid formation in Brassica ...
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Plant Physiology:PbrMYB24通过调控木质素和纤维素合成,影响梨果实中的石细胞含量
郝兆东 2023-4-7 23:18
The transcription factor PbrMYB24 regulates lignin and cellulose biosynthesis in stone cells of pear fruits ...
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Nature Plants:FER通过磷酸化phyB协调植物生长和耐盐性
郝兆东 2023-4-6 23:28
FERONIA coordinates plant growth and salt tolerance via the phosphorylation of phyB ...
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Nature Plants:赤霉素通过极性生长素转运调控形成层干细胞的命运决定
郝兆东 2023-4-4 23:52
Gibberellins promote polar auxin transport to regulate stem cell fate decisions in cambium ...
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Current Biology:ARSK1激活TORC1信号以调整植物面对低磷时的生长
郝兆东 2023-4-4 23:26
ARSK1 activates TORC1 signaling to adjust growth to phosphate availability in Arabidopsis ...
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Current Biology:多重基因选配作用于非洲雏菊花形的快速演化
郝兆东 2023-3-31 23:38
Multiple gene co-options underlie the rapid evolution of sexually deceptive flowers in Gorteria diffusa ...
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Plant Physiology:乙烯响应因子CmERFⅠ-2通过抑制CmMYB44,促进甜瓜果实成熟时的蔗糖积累
郝兆东 2023-3-30 23:38
The transcription factor CmERFⅠ-2 represses CmMYB44 expression to increase sucrose levels in oriental melon fruit ...
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