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PLOS Genetics:CSN促进RGL2和ABI5蛋白降解调控植物种子萌发
2018-3-4 09:07
The COP9 Signalosome regulates seed germination by facilitating protein degradation of RGL2 and ABI5 First author: Dan Jin ;Affiliations:Yale University(耶鲁大学): New Haven, USA Corresponding author: Ning Wei The control of seed ...
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Nature Plants:植物天然抗病毒免疫与疾病恢复
2018-3-3 08:54
Crosstalk between PTGS and TGS pathways in natural antiviral immunity and disease recovery First author: Camilla Julie Kørner ;Affiliations:University of Basel(巴塞尔大学):Basel, Switzerland Corresponding author: Manfred Heinle ...
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Plant Physiology:挪威云杉木材形成季节性转录图谱
2018-3-2 08:19
Transcriptional roadmap to seasonal variation in wood formation of Norway spruce First author: Soile Jokipii-Lukkari ;Affiliations:Umeå Plant Science Centre(于默奥植物科学中心):Umeå, Sweden Corresponding author: Hannele Tu ...
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the plant journal:二穗短柄草着丝粒DNA特性研究
2018-3-1 08:48
Centromeric DNA characterization in the model grass Brachypodium distachyon provides insights on the evolution of the genus First author: Yinjia Li ; Affiliations: Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University ( 福建农林大学 ): Fuz ...
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Nature Plants:玉米一个激活水杨酸信号转导的质外体多肽
2018-2-28 09:13
An apoplastic peptide activates salicylic acid signalling in maize First author: Sebastian Ziemann ; Affiliations: University of Cologne ( 科隆大学 ): Cologne, Germany Corresponding author: Gunther Doehlemann Localized control (局部控制) of ...
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New Phytologist:夹竹桃植物吡咯啶生物碱PA生物合成与防御反应
热度 1 2018-2-27 08:25
Evolution of pyrrolizidine alkaloid biosynthesis in Apocynaceae: revisiting the defence de-escalation hypothesis First author: Tatyana Livshultz ; Affiliations: Drexel University ( 德雷塞尔大学 ): Philadelphia, USA Corresponding author: Tatyana Livshu ...
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Plant Biotechnol J:水稻OsBON1和OsBON1基因作用于广谱抗病性
2018-2-26 08:26
Rice copine genes OsBON1 and OsBON3 function as suppressors of broad-spectrum disease resistance First author: Xin Yin ; Affiliations: Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences ( 中科院 上海植物生理生态研究所 ): Shan ...
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J EXP BOT:甜橙的bHLH18转录因子作用于植物的抗寒性和ROS内稳态
2018-2-24 08:11
The transcription factor CsbHLH18 of sweet orange ( Citrus sinensis ) functions in modulation of cold tolerance and reactive oxygen species homeostasis by regulating the antioxidant gene First author: Jingjing Geng ; Affiliations: Huazhong Agricultural University ...
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Plant Physiology:春化作用调控高山南芥花序命运的分子机制
2018-2-23 09:50
Extended vernalization regulates inflorescence fate in Arabis alpina by stably silencing PERPETUAL FLOWERING 1 First author: Ana Lazaro ; Affiliations: Univeristy of Cologne ( 科隆大学 ): Cologne , Germany Corresponding author: Maria C Albani ...
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