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Plant Physiology:CsMADS3促进柑果中的叶绿素降解和类胡萝卜素合成(华中农业大学)
2023-6-11 23:42
Transcription factor CsMADS3 coordinately regulates chlorophyll and carotenoid pools in Citrus hesperidium ...
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Molecular Plant:LBD11-ROS反馈调节作用于拟南芥的维管形成层增殖和次生生长(浦项科技大学)
2023-6-8 22:30
The LBD11-ROS feedback regulatory loop modulates vascular cambium proliferation and secondary growth in Arabidopsis ...
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Science Advances:根结线虫通过调控植物的CLE3-CLV1模块,促进侵染进程(日本熊本大学)
2023-6-4 23:26
Root-knot nematode modulates plant CLE3-CLV1 signaling as a long-distance signal for successful infection ...
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Nature Communications:油菜素内酯参与植物营养生长期转变的分子机制解析(浙江农林大学)
2023-5-30 23:08
Coordinated regulation of vegetative phase change by brassinosteroids and the age pathway in Arabidopsis ...
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Current Biology:光合作用产生的蔗糖驱动侧根“生物钟”(德国弗莱堡大学)
2023-5-28 23:26
Photosynthetic sucrose drives the lateral root clock in Arabidopsis seedlings ...
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2023-5-25 21:54
LEAFY and APETALA1 down-regulate ZINC FINGER PROTEIN 1 and 8 to release their repression on class B and C floral homeotic genes ...
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Plant Physiology:柑橘miR171-SCL2/3调控体胚发生的分子机制(华中农业大学)
2023-5-23 23:50
miR171-targeted SCARECROW-LIKE genes CsSCL2 and CsSCL3 regulate somatic embryogenesis in citrus ...
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The Plant Journal:拟南芥盐适应中主根和侧根发育的关键调控因子(阿根廷利托罗国立大学)
2023-5-21 22:23
A complex tissue-specific interplay between the Arabidopsis transcription factors AtMYB68, AtHB23, and AtPHL1 modulates primary and lateral root development and adaptation to salinity ...
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Plant Biotechnology Journal:RUBY报告系统作用于玉米和番茄的高效单倍体鉴定(中国农业大学)
2023-5-19 21:36
The RUBY reporter enables efficient haploid identification in maize and tomato ...
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