
热度 5 邱敦莲 2013-6-9 19:29
大家都知道期刊的影响因子是受期刊所发表论文在后两年的被引频次决定的。 目前,从Web of Knowledge的期刊引证报告JCR中检索到Nature 的影响因子是 36.280 。那么,Nature发表的论文是不是被引频次都很高呢? 我对该刊发表论文的被引情况作了一个简单的分析,发现答案并不是这样的。 &nb ...
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On information collection and analysis
邱敦莲 2012-7-15 18:21
written in October, 2007 Today's seminar on project research progress made me feel not very well. The research title of one department is the Trend Analysis on Key Crop Breeding Project. The speaker only gave a short PPT display, and the contentwas more surprisi ...
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Information Collection and English Language Proficiency
邱敦莲 2010-8-21 10:36
No one can denythat the collected information qualitywill greatly rely on one's English proficiency under the backgroud of globalization. If you just want to getdomestic information, maybe it's unnecesary for youtomaster any foreign languages. However, nowadays, even ...
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Summary on the training course in Beijing in 2003
邱敦莲 2010-8-21 09:46
Summary on the training course on Electronic Production of Agricultural Documents and Bibliographic Database Management in Beijing A 7-day training course, sponsored by the FAO Waicent ( http://www.fao.org/waicent ) and organized by the Literature and Information Centre ...
个人分类: 信息分析|3848 次阅读|没有评论

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