
虞左俊 2023-10-26 04:17
或许有些不好的成绩其实并没有那么糟糕(双语) Maybe some bad grades aren’t so bad after all ByVanessa Mobley(NYT) 我女儿学校的校长每个学期都会向获得全A的学生发送一封私人信件。去年有一段时间,我女儿没有收到这封信——她数学得了A-。&n ...
个人分类: Education|947 次阅读|没有评论
Wi-Fi speed
热度 1 虞左俊 2016-2-24 05:51
When I am home, I hardly use Wi-Fi for my MacBook Pro. This is because I believe wired connection is faster and safer. However, my new MacBook Air (11) has no port for the internet cable! I tried to download the Office 365, and failed again and again. Finally, I used speedtest to test the ...
个人分类: Education|3234 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
虞左俊 2015-8-23 02:58
我的一位朋友的孩子(15岁)在中国住,想用EpiPEN。 https://www.epipen.com wikipedia 上只有英文,没有中文。实在找不到,我打算翻译一下(虽然这不是我的专业)。
个人分类: Education|6565 次阅读|没有评论
A story about T-shirt
虞左俊 2013-12-10 12:26
All of us have a T-shirt, or a dozen. Right? Do you know how a T-shirt is made, from cotton seeds? Do you know which country is the cotton king(dom)? Do you know 90% of the cotton grows in the US is GM-ed? Do you know how little these women make each day working long hours at a ...
个人分类: Education|3256 次阅读|没有评论

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