Chunked transfer encoding allows a server to maintain an HTTP persistent connection for dynamically generated content. In this case the HTTP Content-Length header cannot be used to delimit the content and the next HTTP request/response, as the content size is as yet unknown. Chun ...
The blob tracking system includes 4 modules: 1.前景检测模块(CvFGDetector虚类):实现前景检测, 2.团块检测模块(CvBlobDetector虚类):实现运动物体(团块)的的检测 3.团块跟踪模块(CvBlobTracker虚类):实现运动物体跟踪 4.团块运动轨迹产生模块(CvBlobTrackGen虚类):实现的功能与模块名字同 ...