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霍金与发现疑似希格斯粒子的团队各获3百万美元的奖金 精选

已有 6885 次阅读 2012-12-12 01:14 |个人分类:我的物理|系统分类:博客资讯| 霍金, 希格斯, 基础物理学奖, 米尔纳



一个由大型强子对撞机及CMS和ATLAS两个实验的7名领导人分享,包括Peter Jenni, Fabiola Gianotti (ATLAS); Michel Della Negra, Tejinder Singh Virdee, Guido Tonelli, Joe Incandela (CMS) and Lyn Evans (LHC),因为他们在发现疑似希格斯粒子的实验中的领导作用。


Fundamental Physics Prize Foundation Announces Physics Frontiers and New
Horizons in Physics Prizes Along with Two Special Prizes

Two $3,000,000 special Fundamental Physics Prizes have been awarded to
Stephen Hawking and to seven scientists who led the effort to discover a
Higgs-like particle at CERN's Large Hadron Collider

The winner of the 2013 Fundamental Physics Prize will be announced at a
ceremony at CERN[1] on March 20, 2013

New York and Geneva, 11 December 2012. The Fundamental Physics Prize
Foundation Selection Committee, which is comprised of prior recipients of
the Fundamental Physics Prize[2] and includes Nima Arkani-Hamed, Alan
Guth, Alexei Kitaev, Maxim Kontsevich, Andrei Linde, Juan Maldacena,
Nathan Seiberg, Ashoke Sen and Edward Witten, is pleased to announce:

1. The laureates of 2013 Physics Frontiers Prize are:

Charles Kane, Laurens Molenkamp and Shoucheng Zhang for the theoretical
prediction and experimental discovery of topological insulators.

Alexander Polyakov for his many discoveries in field theory and string
theory including the conformal bootstrap, magnetic monopoles, instantons,
confinement/de-confinement, the quantization of strings in non-critical
dimensions, gauge/string duality and many others. His ideas have dominated
the scene in these fields during the past decades.

Joseph Polchinski for his contributions in many areas of quantum field
theory and string theory. His discovery of D-branes has given new insights
into the nature of string theory and quantum gravity, with consequences
including the AdS/CFT correspondence.

2. Laureates of the 2013 Physics Frontiers Prize will become nominees for
the 2013 Fundamental Physics Prize. The winner of the Fundamental Physics
Prize will be announced by the Selection Committee at a prize ceremony
that will take place at CERN on March 20, 2013.

3. The Physics Frontiers Prize laureates who do not go on to be awarded
the Fundamental Physics Prize will each receive \$300,000 and will
automatically be re-nominated for the Fundamental Physics Prize each year
for the next 5 years.

4. The laureates of 2013 New Horizons in Physics Prize are:

Niklas Beisert for the development of powerful exact methods to describe a
quantum gauge theory and its associated string theory.

Davide Gaiotto for far-reaching new insights about duality, gauge theory,
and geometry, and especially for his work linking theories in different
dimensions in most unexpected ways.

Zohar Komargodski for his work on the dynamics of four-dimensional field
theories. In particular, his proof (with Schwimmer) of the "a-theorem" has
solved a long-standing problem, leading to deep new insights.

Each of the laureates will receive \$100,000.

5. In addition, the Selection Committee, foregoing the regular nomination
process, announces the laureates of two Special Fundamental Physics Prizes
of \$3,000,000 each:

One to Stephen Hawking for his discovery of Hawking radiation from black
holes, and his deep contributions to quantum gravity and quantum aspects
of the early universe.

One to be shared by the leaders of the LHC project, CMS and ATLAS
experiments from the time the LHC was approved by the CERN Council in
1994, including: Peter Jenni, Fabiola Gianotti (ATLAS); Michel Della
Negra, Tejinder Singh Virdee, Guido Tonelli, Joe Incandela (CMS) and Lyn
Evans (LHC) for their leadership role in the scientific endeavour that led
to the discovery of the new Higgs-like particle by the ATLAS and CMS
collaborations at CERN's Large Hadron Collider.

6. All prizes will be funded by the Milner Foundation

"Choosing this year's recipients from such a large pool of spectacular
nominations was a very difficult task," said Nima Arkani-Hamed, a member
of the Selection Committee. "The selected physicists have done
transformative work spanning a wide range of areas in fundamental physics.
I especially look forward to future breakthroughs from the first
recipients of the New Horizons in Physics Prize."

"It is a great honour for the LHC’s achievement to be recognised in this
way," said CERN Director General Rolf Heuer, "this prize recognizes the
work of everyone who has contributed to the project over many years. The
Fundamental Physics Prize underlines the value of fundamental physics to
society, and I am delighted that the Foundation has chosen to hold its
first award ceremony at CERN."

"I am very much pleased with the decisions of the Selection Committee,"
commented Yuri Milner. "I hope that the prizes will bring further
recognition to some of the most brilliant minds in the world and the great
accomplishments they have produced."

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