储成才的个人博客分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/储成才 中国科学院遗传发育所研究员,主要从事植物分子生物学研究



已有 11238 次阅读 2020-6-29 21:41 |个人分类:个人随笔|系统分类:观点评述| SCI, 科技话语权

      6月29日,科睿唯安公布了2019-2020年期刊影响因子,可喜的是,在国家支持及科学工作者和杂志同仁的努力下,国内生命科学杂志影响持续攀升。综合性杂志中,Cell Research 达到了 20.507,首次超过了 20;National Science Review 上升到 16.693;Protein & Cell 达到了10.164;Science Bulletin 达到 9.511;Journal of Genetics and Genomics 5.065;Science China Life Sciences 4.611. 在植物科学期刊中,Nature Plants 为 13.256,依然居首,但 Molecular Plant 紧随其后, 达到了 12.084,大有后来居上趋势;Horticulture Research 5.404;Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,4.885;The Crop Journal 3.395。继续大力支持国内期刊,增强中国科技话语权!

        全部期刊 2019 - 2020 年影响因子下载2020 SCI Impact Factor.xlsx)。


        中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所储成才研究组现向海内外公开招聘博士后若干名, 优秀博后出站可转为正式研究人员。
        研究组以水稻为材料, 重点解析水稻营养高效吸收利用的分子基础。实验室倡导 “快乐科学 (Happy Science)”理念, 以兴趣为导向, 将基础理论研究和应用实践相结合, 欢迎优秀青年学者加入团队。

        我们的理念 “building a stage for each dreamer!”

实验室在包括 Nature Genetics (2), Nature Biotechnology, Nature Plants (6), Nature Communications (1), Genome Research, PNAS (4), Plant Cell (6), Cell Research (2), Molecular Plant (5) 等刊物发表通讯或共同通讯论文 90 篇, 引用超过 11,000 次(google scholar),其中 15 篇入选ESI高被引论文,2019年入选Clarivate Analytics(科睿唯安)“全球高被引科学家”; 多次应邀在 Nature Plants, Trends in Plant Science, Current Opinion in Plant Biology, Molecular Plant, New Phytologist, Journal of  Experimental Botany, Theoretical and Applied Genetics 等主流杂志撰写综述、趋势和评论; 申请专利 40 多项, 其中国际专利 8 项, 与育种单位合作培育水稻新品种 5 个, 其中3个2019年被认定为国家首批“绿色超级稻”(全国共41个), 秀水114和秀水134累积推广面积 1200 多万亩。实验室"本土培养(无出国研究经历)" 2 位同学入选国家基金委优秀青年, 研究团队连续5年为中科院遗传发育所优秀团队。

      阅读实验室发表文章全文请访问 ResearchGate-Chengcai Chu
  1、热爱科研, 具有高度责任心和团队精神, 勇于探索, 敢于创新。
  2、具有农学、遗传学、分子生物学、生物信息学或相关学科博士学位, 有生物信息学分析、植物营养相关领域研究经验者优先考虑。
  3、具有很强的科研能力, 能够独立完成相关研究课题。
  4、具有较好的英语听说能力, 能熟练阅读专业文献, 并具有较强的中英文写作能力, 在国际期刊以主要作者身份发表过研究论文者优先考虑。
  有意者请将申请材料(博士后工作申请表、简历、研究工作经历、发表论文情况及代表性论文PDF、2-3位推荐人的姓名及电话号码)发至: ccchu@genetics.ac.cn。我们将对申请者进行资格审查, 并与初审合格者进行联系, 资格审查未通过者, 不再另行告知。招聘启事长期有效, 实验室对优秀人才永远敞开大门!
  具体工资依据聘用人员背景双方协商, 优秀者待遇从优, 并据工作成绩动态调整。

        优秀团队决定未来, 你的选择......

近五年代表性研究论文及第三方评价 (*Corresponding authors):

1. Fang J^*, Zhang F^, Wang H, Wang W, Zhao F, Li Z, Sun C, Chen F, Xu F, Chang S, Wu L, Bu Q, Wang P, Xie J, Chen F, Huang X, Zhang Y, Zhu X, Han B, Deng X*, and Chu C* (2019) Ef-cd locus shortens rice maturity duration without yield penalty. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 116(37): 18717-18722.
Highlighted in in this issue (2019) Rice maturity time and yield. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 116(37): 18149-18151.
Spotlighted by Yang Y and Qian Q (2019) Rice breeding: A long noncoding locus with great potential. Mol. Plant 12(11): 1431-1433.
Featured by Zhang S and Wu C (2019) Long non-coding RNA Ef-cd regulates rice early maturation and stable yield. Chin. Bull. Bot. 54(5): 550-553.

2. Zhang J^, Liu Y-X^, Zhang N^, Hu B^, Jin T^, Xu H, Qin Y, Yan P, Zhang X, Guo X, Hui J, Cao S, Wang X, Wang C, Wang H, Qu B, Fan G, Yuan L, Garrido-Oter R, Chu C*, and Bai Y* (2019) NRT1.1B is associated with root microbiota composition and nitrogen use in field-grown rice. Nat. Biotechnol. 37: 676-684.
Cover story.

Featured by Wang X and Wang E (2019) NRT1.1B connects root microbiota and nitrogen use in rice. Chin. Bull. Bot. 54(3): 285-287.

3. Hu B^*, Jiang Z^, Wang W^, Qiu Y^, Zhang Z, Liu Y, Gao X, Liu L, Qian Y, Huang X, Yu F, Li A, Kang S, Wang Y, Xie J, Cao S, Zhang L, Wang Y, Xie Q, Kopriva S, and Chu C* (2019) Nitrate-NRT1.1B-SPX4 cascade integrates nitrogen and phosphorus signaling networks in plants. Nat. Plants 5: 401–413.
Featured by Carrión C & Paz-Ares J (2019) When nitrate and phosphate sensors meet. Nat. Plants 5: 339–340.
Recommended by F1000Prime twice. Doi: 10.3410/f.735399180.793560575 and Doi: 10.3410/f.735399180.793560581.

4. Wang M^, Li W^, Fang C^, Xu F^, Liu Y^, Wang Z, Yang R, Zhang M, Liu S, Lu S, Lin T, Tang J, Wang Y, Wang H, Lin H, Zhu B, Chen M, Kong F, Liu B, Zeng D, Jackson SC*, Chu C* & Tian Z* (2018) Parallel selection on a dormancy gene during domestication of crops from multiple families. Nat. Genet. 50(10): 1435-1441.

Featured by Rendón-Anaya M and Herrera-Estrella A (2018) The advantage of parallel selection of domestication genes to accelerate crop improvement. Genome Biol. 19(1): 147.
Highlighted by Wei X and Huang X (2018) Identification of a seed dormancy gene in soybean sheds light on crop domestication. Sci. China-Life Sci. 61(11): 1439-1441.

5. Liu C^, Ou S^, Mao B, Tang J, Wang W, Wang H, Cao S, Schlappi MR, Zhao B, Xiao G, Wang X* and Chu C* (2018) Early selection of bZIP73 facilitated adaptation of japonica rice to cold climates. Nat. Commun. 9(1): 3302.

6. Wang W^, Hu B^, Yuan D, Liu Y, Che R, Hu Y, Ou S, Zhang Z, Wang H, Li H, Jiang Z, Zhang Z, Gao X, Qiu Y, Meng X, Liu Y, Bai Y, Liang Y, Wang Y, Zhang L, Li L, Mergen S, Jing H, Li J, and Chu C* (2018) Expression of the nitrate transporter OsNRT1.1A/OsNPF6.3 confers high yield and early maturation in rice. Plant Cell  30(3): 638-651.

Featured by Mach J (2018) The Real Yield Deal? Nitrate Transporter Expression Boosts Yield and Accelerates Maturation. Plant Cell 30(3): 520-521.
Highlighted in Science Daily on February 23, 2018 by Mach J: New approach to improve nitrogen use, enhance yield, and promote flowering in rice.
Recommended by F1000Prime Doi: 10.3410/f.732773314.793543251.

7. Zhang B^, Zhang L^, Li F^, Zhang D, Liu X, Wang H, Xu Z, Chu C*, Zhou Y* (2017) Control of secondary cell wall patterning involves xylan deacetylation by a GDSL esterase. Nat. Plants 3: 17017.

Featured by Scheller HV (2017) Plant cell wall: Never too much acetate. Nat. Plants 3: 17024.

8. Wang H^, Vieira FG^, Crawford JE, Chu C*, and Nielsen R*(2017) Asian wild rice is a hybrid swarm with extensive gene flow and feralization from domesticated rice. Genome Res. 27: 1029-1038.

Cover Story.
Highlighted in Asian Scientist Magazine on May 2, 2017: Apparently, Asian wild rice isn’t so wild anymore.

9. Wang H^, Xu X^, Vieira FG, Xiao Y, Li Z, Wang J, Nielsen R*, and Chu C* (2016) The power of inbreeding: NGS based GWAS of rice reveals convergent evolution during rice domestication. Mol. Plant 9(7):975-985

Cover Story.

Featured by Huang X (2016) From genetic mapping to molecular breeding: Genomics have paved the highway. Mol. Plant 9(7): 959-960.

10. Gao S, Fang J, Xu F, Wang W, Chu C* (2016) Rice HOX12 regulates panicle exsertion by directly modulating the expression of ELONGATED UPPERMOST INTERNODE1. Plant Cell 28(3): 680-695.

Highlighted in Science Daily on April 1, 2016 by Jennifer Lockhart: Feeding the world: Uncovering a key regulator of flower head development in rice.

11. Che R^, Tong H^, Shi B, Liu Y, Fang S, Liu D, Xiao Y, Hu B, Liu L, Wang H, Zhao M*, Chu C* (2016) Control of grain size and rice yield by GL2-mediated brassinosteroid responses. Nat. Plants 2: 15195.

Featured by Tsukaya H (2016) Yield increase: GRFs provide the key. Nat. Plants 2: 15210.

12. Liu L^, Tong H^, Xiao Y, Che R, Xu F, Hu B, Liang C, Chu J, Li J*, Chu C* (2015) Activation of Big Grain1 significantly improves grain size by regulating auxin transport in rice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112(35): 11102-11107.

13. Hu B, Wang W, Ou S, Tang J, Li H, Che R, Zhang Z, Chai X, Wang H, Wang Y, Liang C, Liu L, Piao Z, Deng Q, Deng K, Xu C, Liang Y, Zhang L, Li L, Chu C* (2015) Variation in NRT1.1B contributes to nitrate-use divergence between rice subspecies. Nat. Genet. 47(7): 834-838.

Featured by Chao DY & Lin HX (2015) Nitrogen-use efficiency: Transport solution in rice variations. Nat. Plants 1: 15096.
Highlighted by Chen ZC & Ma JF (2015) Improving nitrogen use efficiency in rice through enhancing root nitrate uptake mediated by a nitrate transporter, NRT1.1B. J. Genet. Genomics. 42(9): 463-465.
Highlighted by Duan D & Zhang H (2015) A single SNP in NRT1.1B has a major impact on nitrogen use efficiency in rice. Sci. China Life Sci. 58(8): 827-828.
Recommended by F1000 Prime. Doi: 10.3410/f.725540326.793508312.


下一篇:唐九友博士Trends in Plant Science 亮点评述:独脚金内酯信号通路——抑制蛋白是转录因子
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