
诸平 2024-9-20 20:12
人类基因组存储在“永久”记忆晶体上 诸平 Fig. 1 Credit: University of Southampton Fig. 2 Memory of Mankind archive in Hallstatt, Austria. Credit: University of Southampton https://www.southampton.ac.uk/news/2024/09/human-genome-stored-on-everlasting-memory-crystal-.pa ...
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诸平 2024-9-19 15:03
科学家开发出了富含维生素A的超级金莴苣 诸平 Scientists have developed super golden lettuce richer in vitamin A. Credit: UPV 据西班牙瓦伦西亚理工大学( Universitat Politècnica de València ) 2024 年 9 月 17 日提供的消息,科学家开发出了富含维生素 A 的超级金莴苣( Scientists Have ...
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热度 1 诸平 2024-9-18 19:25
突破性研究挑战帕金森病蛋白聚集的关键理论 诸平 Fig. 1 A new study reveals that liquid droplets formed by proteins may protect against, rather than promote, the aggregation into amyloid fibrils seen in Parkinson’s disease, suggesting potential new therapeutic avenues. Fig. 2 ...
个人分类: 新科技|4273 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
诸平 2024-9-17 13:34
微波调谐量子自旋的突破性研究 诸平 Fig. 1 JILA and Harvard researchers have enhanced quantum sensing by controlling molecular interactions through Floquet engineering, achieving two-axis twisting dynamics for potential future applications in precision measurements. Credit: SciTechDail ...
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诸平 2024-9-15 21:17
对抗永久化学品的新方法 诸平 Fig. 1 A new method using piezocatalysis can break down PFAS from water. (Illustration: Nico Garcia) Fig. 2 The piezoelectric nanoparticle acts as a catalyst and initiates a chemical reaction: 90.5 % of the PFOS molecule is degraded and 29 % is ...
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诸平 2024-9-14 21:08
多年生小麦可持续粮食栽培 诸平 Fig. 1 A field with Kernza. Image source: Michl - TU Graz Fig. 2 A field with Kernza. Image source: Michl - TU Graz 据奥地利格拉茨工业大学 ( Graz University of Technology / Technische Universität Graz 简称 TU Graz ...
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诸平 2024-9-11 20:51
中国科学家研制出一种电磁旋涡炮 诸平 Fig. 1 An innovative “electromagnetic vortex cannon” capable of emitting vortex rings has been created, mirroring the behavior of natural air vortices. This technology could revolutionize communication and remote sensing with its enhanced data en ...
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诸平 2024-9-9 20:50
打破稳定性障碍:独特的同位素违反核规则 诸平 Fig. 1 A new study reveals 18 Mg’s unique multi-proton decay mechanism, enhancing understanding of nuclear dynamics and potentially impacting energy and quantum technologies. Future work aims to refine nuclear decay theories further. Credit: ...
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诸平 2024-9-7 19:51
科学家创造了世界上第一个核钟原型 诸平 The nuclear clock 据奥地利维也纳工业大学 ( Vienna University of Technology ) 2024 年 9 月 4 日提供的消息,突破 : 科学家创造了世界上第一个核钟原型( Michelle Starr . Breakthrough: Scientists Create World's First Nuclear Clock ...
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热度 2 诸平 2024-9-5 14:12
量子光学的突破 诸平 Artistic visualization: Transformation of light properties by 2D meta-materials. Illustration: Christian Süß (Fraunhofer IOF) 据德国耶拿弗里德里希 · 席勒大学( Friedrich Schiller University Jena ) 2024 年 9 月 3 日提供的消息,量子光学的突破( ...
个人分类: 新科技|4227 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 2

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