
赵鹏飞 2019-6-25 11:14
LOL laugh out loud BTW by the way AKA also known as FAQ frequently asked questions FYI for your information IDK I don't know IMHO in my humble opinion OMG oh my god DIY do it yourself TYT take your time BR ...
个人分类: 英语学习|2668 次阅读|没有评论
赵鹏飞 2019-6-12 11:45
《A new way to build tiny neural networks could create powerful AI on your phone》 We’ve been wasting our processing power to train neural networks that are ten times too big. Neural networks are the core software of deep learning. Even though they’re so widespread, however, they’re real ...
个人分类: 英语学习|2048 次阅读|没有评论
there is something/nothing ...
赵鹏飞 2019-6-10 22:03
There is nothing to it. 可不是“ 什么都没有 ”的意思! 正解 “很简单” 。 A: Are pancakes hard to make? 做煎饼难吗? B: Oh no, there's nothing to it. 不,很简单。 There is nothing in it. 正解 “...不属实” 。 I heard a rumor that she's leaving, but there's nothing ...
个人分类: 英语学习|2848 次阅读|没有评论
safety 和security的区别
赵鹏飞 2019-6-2 21:40
Safety is the prevention of accidents (accidents which may or may not involve human agents, but are in any case not intentional). Security is the prevention of malicious activities by people (mugging, burglary, robbery, terrorist activities, etc.). So safety may include activities s ...
个人分类: 英语学习|7288 次阅读|没有评论
aim goal purpose end target object objective的区别
热度 1 赵鹏飞 2019-6-2 03:54
aim: 从本义“靶子”引申而来,侧重比较具体而明确的目标,但常指短期目标。 The policeman ~ed his gun at the fugitive. 警察用枪对准逃犯 goal: 指经过考虑和选择,需经坚持不懈的努力奋斗才能达到的最终目标。 When the boat floats through the throat, the goat in overcoat goes to ...
个人分类: 英语学习|3878 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1

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