
《A Ph.D. Is Not Enough》摘录
李传印 2014-10-28 21:25
1 、 No technical skill is worth more than knowig how to select excitngresearch projects. 2 、 If you know why you have chosen to work on a particular problem, itis easy to present an absorbing seminar. 3 、 By making my work meaningful to others, it became interesting to ...
个人分类: Research|5934 次阅读|没有评论
《The Researchers’ Bible》摘录
李传印 2014-10-28 21:25
1 、 Getting a Ph.D. or M.Sc is hard work. 2 、 A doctoral thesis must show evidence of independent enquiry,originality in the methods used and/or in the conclusions drawn and must makean appreciable new contribution to knowledge in the candidates field. 3 、 One good sou ...
个人分类: Research|4669 次阅读|没有评论
《Mastering Your PhD》摘录
热度 1 李传印 2014-10-28 21:24
1 、 Obtaining a PhD is like swimming across a big lake. Some studentscan’t swim, so they will sink. That is the way the academic system selectsthose who will win. 2 、 Before you even get started on your PhD research, you have alreadymade a decision that will have a major impact ...
个人分类: Research|5833 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1

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