The current murder case of the United Health CEO Brian Thompson by Luigi Magorine brought forth the advance in modern survelance tehcnology. The minute by minute time line capture by various survelance camera in midtown Manhattan trace the start of the shooter from his hostel, to the shooting, to h ...
Read or listen to this inspriing story
As an example. Why Do We Always Seem to Run Into People Abroad? ...
I arrive in the US on September 2nd 1950. I remember the first car ride I had from NYC to Boston took ten hours going through every town along the northeast coast. Nowadays the same drive takes only less than four hours. This is of course due to President Eisenhower's INTERSTATE HIGHWAY p ...
It is worthwhile to take note of the technological, social, and commercial revolution taking place in illegal drugs. In the olden day when opium first became avaliable, you need a pieice of land to plant the crop that can be used to produce opium.You need to own the land, to protect (i.e., paying f ...
As a result of climate change, wide fire in Westerm states became numerous. Many home owners find their home are no longer insurable (i.e. their poilicy was dropped by their insurance company and cannot find another company to insure them against fire damage). As a result they were force to join a ...
Often influenced by Kung-Fu novels where a person accidentally found a magic instruction book and overnight became a expert in martila arts, young scholars starting out in their career try to find the same magic pill or secret instruction which enable them to acquire wisdom instantly and achieve wo ...
This may be self rationalizing or 20/20 hind sight. Looking back of my life endeavor of some 65+ years (since my first published paper in 1955), I am what the world would classified as a scientist or engineer. But with a couple of exceptions I have not done a single experiment or practical ap ...
Under the same link as in the previous article, you can find the URL for a series of five lectures given at our senior living community which explore the least understood but most important part of our body and our existie ...
Redently the Greater Boston Chinese Cultural Association (GBCCA) sponsored a talk on the details and demonstration of the capability of the software Chat GPT. The speaker Max Li is an expert on the subject and gave the talk entirely in Mandrain Chinese. Many ScienceNet reader may find t ...