
[转载]FOP | 前沿研究:吉林大学材料科学与工程学院张立军团队 _ 二维层状材料中的各向异性声子热输运
董洪光 2023-5-6 10:21
RESEARCH ARTICLE Yuxin Cai, Muhammad Faizan, Huimin Mu, Yilin Zhang, Hongshuai Zou, Hong Jian Zhao, Yuhao Fu, and Lijun Zhang, Anisotropic phonon thermal transport in two-dimensional layered materials , Frontiers of Physics 18(4), 43303 (2023) 全文下载: https: ...
2271 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]FOP | 综述:南方科技大学卢海舟团队_磁场作用下拓扑半金属的量子输运 (III)
董洪光 2023-5-5 12:39
TOPICAL REVIEW Lei Shi and Hai-Zhou Lu, Quantum transport in topological semimetals under magnetic fields (III) , Front. Phys. 18(2), 21307 (2023) 全文下载: https://journal.hep.com.cn/fop/EN/pdf/10.1007/s11467-023-1259-5 https://journal.hep.com.cn/fop/EN/10.1007/s ...
2100 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]FOP | 前沿研究:北京师范大学物理系艾清团队 _ 量子临界增强的精密测量方案在噪声环境下的鲁棒性
董洪光 2023-4-19 11:21
RESEARCH ARTICLE Wan-Ting He, Cong-Wei Lu, Yi-Xuan Yao, Hai-Yuan Zhu, and Qing Ai, Criticality-based quantum metrology in the presence of decoherence , Frontiers of Physics 18(3), 31304 (2023) 全文下载: https://journal.hep.com.cn/fop/EN/pdf/‍10.1007/s11467- ...
1835 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]FOP | 综述:激光自注入锁定
董洪光 2023-4-18 16:02
TOPICAL REVIEW Nikita M. Kondratiev*, Valery E. Lobanov, Artem E. Shitikov, Ramzil R. Galiev, Dmitry A. Chermoshentsev, Nikita Yu. Dmitriev, Andrey N. Danilin, Evgeny A. Lonshakov, Kirill N. Min’kov, Daria M. Sokol, Steevy J. Cordette, Yi-Han Luo, Wei Liang, Junqiu Liu*, and Igor A. Bilenko ...
4923 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]FOP | 综述:湖南大学物理与微电子科学学院罗海陆团队_当光学显微镜遇到全光模拟运算
董洪光 2023-3-30 11:48
TOPICAL REVIEW Yichang Shou, Jiawei Liu, and Hailu Luo, When optical microscopy meets all-optical analog computing: A brief review , Frontiers of Physics 18(4), 42601 (2023) 全文下载: https://journal.hep.com.cn/fop/EN/pdf/10.1007/s11467-‍023-1271-9 ...
1934 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]FOP | 综述:新加坡国立大学王建生及合作者_电子–光子系统中的输运
董洪光 2023-3-24 13:28
REVIEW ARTICLE Jian-Sheng Wang, Jiebin Peng, Zu-Quan Zhang, Yong-Mei Zhang, and Tao Zhu, Transport in electron–photon systems , Frontiers of Physics 18(4), 43602 (2023) 全文下载: https://journal.hep.com.cn/fop/EN/pdf/10.1007/s1146‍7-023-1260-z htt ...
2186 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]FOP | 前沿研究:神经元雪崩:自组织临界沙堆还是脑波临界动力学?
董洪光 2023-3-23 10:25
RESEARCH ARTICLE Vitaly Galinsky and Lawrence R. Frank, Neuronal avalanches: Sandpiles of self-organized criticality or critical dynamics of brain waves? Frontiers of Physics 18(4),45301 (2023) 全文下载: https://journal.hep.com.cn/fop/EN/pdf/ ...
2202 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]FOP | 综述:Noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers
董洪光 2023-3-8 13:40
​REVIEW ARTICLE BinCheng, Xiu-Hao Deng, Xiu Gu, Yu He, Guangchong Hu, Peihao Huang, Jun Li, Ben-Chuan Lin, Dawei Lu, Yao Lu, Chudan Qiu, Hui Wang, Tao Xin, Fei Yan, Shi Yu, Man-Hong Yung, Junkai Zeng, Song Zhang, Youpeng Zhong, Xinhua Peng, Franco Nori, and Dapeng Yu*, Noi ...
1694 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]FOP | 前沿研究:中山大学姚道新课题组__存在长程和阻挫相互作用的二维正方晶格上的自旋波理论
董洪光 2023-3-1 14:54
RESEARCH ARTICLE Yuting Tan and Dao-Xin Yao, Spin waves and phase transition on a magnetically frustrated square lattice with long-range interactions , Frontiersof Physics 18(3), 33309 (2023) 全文下载: https://journal.hep.com.cn/fop/EN/pdf/̴ ...
1834 次阅读|没有评论

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