The possibility of non-abelian statistics Statistics of the particles is related to the representation of braid group (1925). . The 1-dimensional representations correspond to abelian (fractional) statistics (1977). ...
Recently, a new web-site, , was launched for physics research-level questions and anwsers (similar to the mathoverflow site). Here I list some questions/answers about topological insuators , topological orders , SPT order s , Majorana zero mode , and their rel ...
In Science, it is meaningless to ask questions or make statements that can not be measured/tested by experiments 在科学中,只有能被实验检验对错的论述,才有意义。只有答案能被实验检验对错的问题,才有意义。 I feel that a meaningful scientific question should satisfy the following condition: Th ...
I found physics.stackexchange a very instereting place. It is a place that you can ask physics questions and some one will answer them. Some questions that look simple actually touch some deep issues. Some questions can motivate research projects. Here are some sampl ...
In science, many researchers have experienced missed opportunity of big or small discoveries. You may share some of yours here. 1) Masaki Oshikawa told his story in facebook: I'm bit surprised to see the recent increase of citations to my very first scientific paper published in ...
This is a very impressive open resource for mathematics. It is a pity that there is nothing like that in physics. from 1. Introduction online tex pdf 2. Conventions online tex pdf 3. Set ...
有时,我们要很有耐心。要等八年十年,工作才被认可。 我们还要很有自信,这样才能继续作下去。 这是科学工作者对待科研的一种心态。 走自己的路,坚持自己对美的认知和追求,欣赏自己的工作,使得我们能保持这种心态。 Sometimes , we need to be patient. We need to wait for 8-10 years before our work ...
My paper on lattice chiral fermion theory was rejected by two RRL referees (very strongly) and by a PRL editor.The reason for skepticism is the long history of past failures (none by me). The editor did not say that The reason for skepticism is the long history of past failures of the auth ...