cynthia的个人博客分享 駐浸大歐盟TOCSIN項目研究員


獲歐盟撥款逾百萬歐羅研究中印氣候轉變 浸大夥劍橋、清華等大學進行跨國研究計劃 精选

已有 3155 次阅读 2007-10-24 16:00 |个人分类:climate change





歐盟撥款逾百萬歐羅 (即逾千萬港元) 成立跨國研究小組,專責研究中國和印度的污染問題,以加強歐盟與發展中國家就氣候變化問題的對話。小組成員包括香港浸會大學對策研究中心、劍橋大學、清華大學能源環境經濟研究院、瑞士洛桑聯邦理工大學和印度管理學院等。






議論了近十年的「京都議定書」對氣候變化作出的對策備受質疑 -- 單純的協定減少溫室氣體排放對氣候問題只會緣木求魚。對於大多數發展中國家,包括中印,保持溫飽的經濟條件遠超於對環境的關注;而已發展的國家雖然關注環保技術,但面對發展中國家的廉價產品競爭,亦不得不在環保政策上讓步。經濟利益是氣候協議的內在動因和約束條件。由於各國的社會經濟和資源條件相去甚遠,形成單一承諾的國際氣候協議會產生利益衝突。再者,議定書要求部分國家在未來五年內減排單位數百分點的溫室氣體,卻不做科技上的配套,難以形成環保的生產環境。




國際聯手發展環保科技是解決氣候變化的治本方法。已發展的國家可提供資金支援和技術轉移,促進發展中國家引進環保生產科技,共同提高全球應對氣候變化的能力。新的環保科技帶來經濟結構的改革,使各國雖經歷時移勢易,仍支持原定的合作方案。有效合作會帶來整體優化 -- 全球長遠的經濟效益因而增加 -- 問題是要合理分配成果,使每個國家都成為得益者。


教授就此問題發表了全球首篇調整跨境工業污染的隨機動態合作的數學論文(將刊於本年十二月的Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications),提供了一個符合時間一致性的概念方法。此次歐盟研究專案的目標之一是實際應用楊教授提出的方法,制訂一個可行的方案,為中印及周邊國家提出解決大氣污染的實際建議。


傳媒查詢:駐浸大歐盟TOCSIN項目研究員張映璇 (3411 5229)。

23 October 2007


HKBU, Cambridge and Tsinghua share

Joint EU Grant on Climate Change Research


The European Commission has granted over one million Euros to an international research consortium involving the Center of Game Theory at Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), Cambridge University, the Energy-Environment-Economic Institute of Tsinghua University, Indian Institute of Management and Ecole Polytechnique at Lausanne to study Climate Change in China and India.  


The research project will evaluate climate change mitigation options in China and India and the conditions for a strategic cooperation on research development and demonstration (RD&D) and technology transfer with the European Union.


Climate change mitigation is a challenge that requires a radical transformation of the current energy system and the consideration of new technology options. Existing politically acceptable carbon prices will probably not be sufficient to make this transformation occur. Technology-oriented policies and technological cooperation will be necessary to foster efficient and low-carbon energy technologies.


A prime goal of this project is to identify and assess technology options that might significantly reduce greenhouse gases emissions in China and India. The project will define the necessary institutional and organisational architecture that would stimulate international cooperation in improving the environment.


Professor David Yeung, Director and Chair of HKBU’s Center of Game Theory has always maintained that, “It is hard to be convinced that multinational joint initiatives could offer a long-term solution if there is no guarantee that participants will always be better off by cooperating within the entire duration of the scheme.” The project would also explore the possibility of establishing an international cooperative scheme that every nation would commit to from beginning to end by applying the latest discoveries in cooperative game theory and mathematics by researchers at the Centers of Game Theory at HKBU and St Petersburg.


The research will emphasise the strategic dimension of RD&D cooperation and the key role of incentives for the participation of developing countries in the reduction of greenhouse gases. In addition, it will evaluate how existing initiatives like the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and international emission trading (IET) might be applied to improve the attractiveness of new energy technology options.




For further enquiries, please contact Ms Cynthia Zhang, Research Associate EU TOCSIN Project at HKBU, Tel: 3411 5229.

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