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已有 4361 次阅读 2016-1-5 07:54 |个人分类:北斗导航|系统分类:科研笔记

                                    2015-01-05   籍利平  整理 于北京市 海淀区 莲花池西路




 Timing group delay and differential code bias corrections for BeiDou positioning 

Fei Guo (1) (2); Xiaohong Zhang (1); Jinling Wang (2);

Journal of Geodesy, Volume 89, Issue 5,2015, Pages 427-445








 Multi-GNSS Meteorology: Real-Time Retrieving of Atmospheric Water Vapor From BeiDou, Galileo, GLONASS, and GPS Observations 

Xingxing Li ;Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Res. Centre for Geosci. (GFZ), Potsdam, Germany ; Dick, G.;Cuixian Lu; Ge, M. more authors

IEEE Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing, Volume 53, Issue 12,2015, Pages 6385-6393









 Multiangle BSAR Imaging Based on BeiDou-2 Navigation Satellite System: Experiments and Preliminary Results 

Tao Zeng ;Beijing Key Lab. of Embedded Real-Time Inf. Process. Technol., Beijing Inst. of Technol., Beijing, China ;Dongyang Ao;Cheng Hu;Tian Zhang more authors

IEEE Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing, Volume 53, Issue 10,2015, Pages 5760-5773









 Multipath analysis of code measurements for BeiDou geostationary satellites 

Guangxing Wang (1) (2); Kees de Jong (2); Qile Zhao (1); Zhigang Hu (1); Jing Guo (1) (2);

GPS Solutions, Volume 19, Issue 1,2015, Pages 129-139









 GNSS multi-carrier fast partial ambiguity resolution strategy tested with real BDS/GPS dual- and triple-frequency observations 

Jinlong Li (1); Yuanxi Yang (2) (3); Junyi Xu (1); Haibo He (4); Hairong Guo (4);

GPS Solutions, Volume 19, Issue 1,2015, Pages 5-13









 Real-time retrieval of precipitable water vapor from GPS and BeiDou observations 

Cuixian Lu (1); Xingxing Li (1); Tobias Nilsson (1); Tong Ning (1); Robert Heinkelmann (1); Maorong Ge (1); Susanne Glaser (2); Harald Schuh (1);

Journal Of Geodesy, Volume 89, Issue 9,2015, Pages 843-856








 BeiDou phase bias estimation and its application in precise point positioning with triple-frequency observable 

Shengfeng Gu (1); Yidong Lou (1); Chuang Shi (1) (2); Jingnan Liu (1);

Journal Of Geodesy, Volume 89, Issue 10,2015, Pages 979-992








 Estimating the yaw-attitude of BDS IGSO and MEO satellites 

Xiaolei Dai (1) (2); Maorong Ge (2); Yidong Lou (1); Chuang Shi (1); Jens Wickert (2); Harald Schuh (2) (3);

Journal Of Geodesy, Volume 89, Issue 10,2015, Pages 1005-1018







 Accuracy and reliability of multi-GNSS real-time precise positioning: GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, and Galileo 

Xingxing Li (1) (2); Maorong Ge (1); Xiaolei Dai (1) (2); Xiaodong Ren (2); Mathias Fritsche (1); Jens Wickert (1); Harald Schuh (1);

Journal of Geodesy, Volume 89, Issue 6,2015, Pages 607-635








 First combined COMPASS/BeiDou-2 and GPS positioning results in Australia. Part II: Single- and multiple-frequency single-baseline RTK positioning 

R. Odolinski[a][*]; P.J.G. Teunissen[a][b] ; D. Odijk[a]

, Volume 59, Issue 1,2014, Pages 25-46









 First combined COMPASS/BeiDou-2 and GPS positioning results in Australia. Part I: single-receiver and relative code-only positioning 

R. Odolinski[a][*]; P.J.G. Teunissen[a][b] ; D. Odijk[a]

, Volume 59, Issue 1,2014, Pages 3-24









 First Preliminary Fast Static Ambiguity Resolution Results of Medium-Baseline with Triple-Frequency Beidou Wavebands 

ShengyueJi[a1][a2]; XiaolongWang[a1]; YingXu[a2][c1]; ZhenjieWang[a1]; WuChen[a2];HuiLiu[a3]

Journal of Navigation, Volume 67, Issue 6,2014, Pages 1109-1119









 Development of a PC-Based Software Receiver for the Reception of Beidou Navigation Satellite Signals 

Jyh-Ching Juang[a1][c1]; Chiu-Teng Tsai[a1];Yu-Hsuan Chen[a1]

Journal of Navigation, Volume 66, Issue 5,2013, Pages 701-718









 BeiDou satellite-induced code pseudorange variations: diagnosis and therapy 

Lambert Wanninger (1); Susanne Beer (1);

Gps Solutions, Volume 19, Issue 4,2015, Pages 639-648









 Carrier phase multipath mitigation for BeiDou navigation satellite system 

Shirong Ye (1); Dezhong Chen (1); Yanyan Liu (1); Peng Jiang (1); Weiming Tang (1); Pengfei Xia (1);

Gps Solutions, Volume 19, Issue 4,2015, Pages 545-557









 Modeling regional ionospheric delay with ground-based BeiDou and GPS observations in China 

Rui Zhang (1) (3); Wei-wei Song (2); Yi-bin Yao (3); Chuang Shi (2); Yi-dong Lou (2); Wen-ting Yi (2);

Gps Solutions, Volume 19, Issue 4,2015, Pages 649-658









 The mixed-receiver BeiDou inter-satellite-type bias and its impact on RTK positioning 

Nandakumaran Nadarajah (1); Peter J. G. Teunissen (1) (2); Jean-Marie Sleewaegen (3); Oliver Montenbruck (4);

GPS Solutions, Volume 19, Issue 3,2015, Pages 357-368









 Performance assessment of single- and dual-frequency BeiDou/GPS single-epoch kinematic positioning 

Haibo He [1] ; Jinlong Li [2] ; Yuanxi Yang [3] [4] ; Junyi Xu [2] ; Hairong Guo [1] ; Aibing Wang [1]

GPS Solutions, Volume 18, Issue 3,2014, Pages 393-403









 Reliable single-epoch ambiguity resolution for short baselines using combined GPS/BeiDou system 

Chenlong Deng [1] [2] [3] ; Weiming Tang [1] ; Jingnan Liu [1] [3] ; Chuang Shi [1]

GPS Solutions, Volume 18, Issue 3,2014, Pages 375-386









 Triple-frequency carrier ambiguity resolution for Beidou navigation satellite system 

Weiming Tang [1] ; Chenlong Deng [1] [2] ; Chuang Shi [1] ; Jingnan Liu [1]

GPS Solutions, Volume 18, Issue 3,2014, Pages 335-344







 A Precise Weighting Approach with Application to Combined L1/B1 GPS/BeiDou Positioning 

Changsheng Cai[a1]; Lin Pan[a1];Yang Gao[a2][a3][c1]

Journal of Navigation, Volume 67, Issue 5,2014, Pages 911-925









 Orbit and clock analysis of Compass GEO and IGSO satellites 

P. Steigenberger [1] ; U. Hugentobler [1] ; A. Hauschild [2] ; O. Montenbruck [2]

Journal of Geodesy, Volume 87, Issue 6,2013, Pages 515-525









 Initial assessment of the COMPASS/BeiDou-2 regional navigation satellite system 

Oliver Montenbruck [1] ; André Hauschild [1] ; Peter Steigenberger [2] ; Urs Hugentobler [2] ; Peter Teunissen [3] ; Shinichi Nakamura [4]

GPS Solutions, Volume 17, Issue 2,2013, Pages 211-222









 Instantaneous BeiDou+GPS RTK positioning with high cut-off elevation angles 

P. J. G. Teunissen [1] [2] ; R. Odolinski [1] ; D. Odijk [1]

Journal of Geodesy, Volume 88, Issue 4,2014, Pages 335-350









 Precise Point Positioning Using the Regional BeiDou Navigation Satellite Constellation 

Aigong Xu[a1] [c1];Zongqiu Xu[a1];Xinchao Xu[a1];Huizhong Zhu[a1];Xin Sui[a1];Huasheng Sun[a1]

Journal of Navigation, Volume 67, Issue 3,2014, Pages 523-537









 Performance Analysis of Ionosphere Monitoring with BeiDou CORS Observational Data 

Weiming Tang[a1] [c1];Lei Jin[a1];Kun Xu[a1]

Journal of Navigation, Volume 67, Issue 3,2014, Pages 511-522









 An Evaluation of the Beidou Time System (BDT) 

Wei-guang Gao[a1][a2][c1]; Wen-hai Jiao[a3]; Yun Xiao[a3]; Mao-lei Wang[a4];Hai-bo Yuan[a5]

Journal Of Navigation, Volume 64, Issue Sup1,2011, Pages S31-S39









 Chinese Beidou and the Next Generation GNSS 

Kefei Zhang[a1][c1]; Jingnan Liu[a2];Yuanxi Yang[a3]

Journal Of Navigation, Volume 64, Issue Sup1,2011, Pages S1-S2








 Characterization of Compass M-1 signals 

André Hauschild [1] ; Oliver Montenbruck [1] ; Jean-Marie Sleewaegen [2] ; Lennard Huisman [3] ; Peter J. G. Teunissen [4]

Gps Solutions, Volume 16, Issue 1,2012, Pages 117-126









 The perspective from Asia concerning the Impact of Compass/Beidou-2 on future GNSS 

Kai-Wei Chiang; Yu-Sheng Huang; Meng-Lung Tsai; Kwo-Hwa Chen

Survey Review, Volume 42, Issue 315,2010, Pages 3-19





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