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SCI Journal Special Issue on Applied Soft Computing for OSN

已有 3870 次阅读 2015-9-9 21:29 |个人分类:期刊征稿|系统分类:论文交流| 计算机科学, 软计算, 在线社交网络

Neural Network World

(ScienceCitation Index Expanded Journal)


Callfor Papers –Special Issue on Applied Soft Computing for Online Social Networks


Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow people to create,share or exchange information, ideas, pictures, audios or videos in virtualcommunities by using open Internet. Over the past five years, online socialnetwork (OSN) websites or services have been widely developed and deployed,including general-purpose OSNs like Twitter, Facebook and Wechat, orspecial-purpose ones for multimedia sharing YouTube, professional communicationLinkedIn, and so on. Whatever the type of an OSN is, there exist veryinteresting and challengeable research works on how to improve an efficientsocial media computing and how to make an effective social network analysis andmining from the perspectives of both academia and industry. In order to bettercope with the burning issues, advances on soft computing technologies, such asneural network and system, evolutionary computing and genetic algorithms, fuzzyset and rough set theories, probabilistic computing, as well as chaos theoryand chaotic systems, are paving a road to more valuable and feasible solutionsto the emerging social media and big data, finally bringing a brilliant futureof wisdom and intelligent social media network.

This special issue aimsto solicit the cutting edge research contributions of applied soft computing onsocial media and online networks. We specially invite authors to submit high quality,original papers that must not be under consideration for publication in anyother journal or conference, and meanwhilesome all-around and readable survey papers about the state-of-the art of softcomputing in social network applications are also welcomed. Research Thepossible main topics are listed as follows, but not limited to.

²       Artificial/natural neural network and neural systemapplied to social media and online social network establishment

²       Fuzzy set and rough set theories in social mediapropagation and redistribution

²       Chaos theory and chaotic systems for social media content security

²       Deep learning and machine learning for multimedia recommendationsystems and algorithms

²       Soft computing technologies for both quantitative and qualitativetrust assessment and risk management in online social networks

²       Soft computing enabling (mobile) multimedia socialnetwork prototypes, empirical cases studies and other applications

Submissions Guideline

All potential authors would sendtheir papers both Word and PDF files to the leading and corresponding guesteditor Prof. Zhiyong Zhang by xidianzzy@126.com.And, please make sure you clearly write the thematic issue title “SpecialIssue on Applied Soft Computing for Online Social Networks” in the coverletter for our conveniences on checking submitted manuscripts.

Besides, if you still have any question, please do nothesitate to contact

Prof. ZhiyongZhang by xidianzzy@126.com

Prof. Arun Kumar Sangaiah by arunkumarsangaiah@gmail.com

Important Dates

Papersubmission: April 15, 2016

1st round of reviewnotification: July 15, 2016

Revision submissiondue: September 15, 2016

Finalacceptance: November 15, 2016

Publication(Tentative): The first issue of 2017


Guest Editors

Zhiyong Zhang (Leading andCorresponding GE)

Visiting Professor, Iowa State University,Ames, USA;Henan ProvinceDistinguished Professor, Henan University of Science & Technology, Luoyang, China




ArunKumar Sangaiah

Professor,VIT University,Vellore, India

E-mail: arunkumarsangaiah@gmail.com

Homepage: https://in.linkedin.com/pub/dr-arun-kumar-sangaiah/a9/452/81


上一篇:多媒体领域Springer国际期刊专辑征稿SCI IF1.346,2016-1截稿
收藏 IP: 173.20.99.*| 热度|


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