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抑制MicroRNA25治疗心衰 精选

已有 6087 次阅读 2014-4-24 07:12 |个人分类:自然科学|系统分类:海外观察


最近临床研究发现提高心肌细胞内钙离子水平(有双面性,可引起损伤)能提高心肌收缩能力,可能是一种有效治疗方法。MicroRNA在心衰是出现异常变化,但这种变化是否影响到心肌收缩功能,以及是否可以作为治疗的目标扔不清楚。首先利用高通量功能筛选的人类microRNA组学技术,以和肌浆网钙吸收泵mRNA相互作用为指标,筛选出具有抑制心肌细胞内钙离子处理功能的microRNA 875条,对这875microRNA进行研究,发现miR-25能延缓心肌细胞钙吸收,心衰动物和患者miR-25都上调,腺病毒介导miR-25高表达能导致心脏收缩功能下降,注射miR-25反义寡核苷酸能纠正小鼠心衰,提高心脏功能和存活率。


Anti-miR-25 or control (scrambled sequence) anti-miRNA was administered intravenously to sham-operated wild-type mice (Sham) or to unoperated Serca2a-cardiomyocyte null (S2a KO) mice38, as for the experiments in Fig. 4 (see Methods). Sham-operated animals were injected with anti-miRNAs 1 week after surgery and followed by echocardiography. S2a KO animals were generated by injection with 4-OH tamoxifen intraperitoneally for 4 days (see Methods) to delete Serca2a, then injected with anti-miRNAs 1 week later and followed by echocardiography. a, Representative two-dimensional guided M-mode images of the LVs from wild-type and S2a KO mice. b, c, Echocardiographic indices of left ventricular inner dimension during diastole, LVIDd (b), and systole, LVIDs (c) (n = 3 (sham plus control); 8, (sham plus anti-miR-25); 7 (S2a KO plus control); 11 (S2a-KO plus anti-miR-25) 4 weeks after control or anti-miRNA injection. d, Echocardiographic measurement of fractional shortening (FS) expressed as a percentage at time points after control or anti-miRNA injection (n = 4 (sham plus control); 3 (sham plus anti-miR-25); 3 (S2a KO plus control); 3 (S2a KO plus anti-miR-25)). S2a KO mice show characteristic dilation and decline in cardiac function after 4-OH tamoxifen-induced excision of Serca2a39. ***P<0.001 (Student’s t-test for difference between S2a KO and sham-operated control anti-miRNA groups at week 4 after injection). e, Haemodynamic effect of anti-miR-25 and control anti-miRNA injection is represented by pressure–volume plots of treatment cohorts as indicated 4 weeks after injection of control or anti-miRNA. Note that specific anti-miR-25 and control anti-miRNA acted similarly in sham-operated wild-type animals (n = 3 (sham plus control); 3, (sham plus anti-miR-25); 2 (S2a KO plus control); 3 (S2a-KO plus anti-miR-25). Moreover, anti-miR-25 did not increase cardiac function of S2a KO mice, unlike TAC-operated wild-type mice (Fig. 4), suggesting that the beneficial effect on cardiac function depends on SERCA2a. Data are represented as mean±s.e.m. n = number of biological replicates (all included). NS, not significant.


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7 孙爱军 张南希 胡俊龙 薛宇 秦勤娟 Allanmu biofans

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