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已有 4560 次阅读 2013-10-15 07:27 |个人分类:科普|系统分类:人物纪事| 诺贝尔奖

上篇博文是:牛!希格斯让诺奖发布会晚点一小时 2013-10-08











希格斯教授说:“很不幸的是,和我一道工作的布劳特(Robert Brout)几年前去世了,不能和我一同分享获得诺贝尔奖的喜悦。但如果他还活着,他一定会是获奖人之一的。”





Prof Peter Higgs did not know he had won Nobel Prize

Nobel Prize-winning scientist Prof Peter Higgs has revealed he did not know he had won the award until a woman congratulated him in the street.

Prof Higgs, who does not own a mobile phone, said a former neighbour had pulled up in her car as he was returning from lunch in Edinburgh.

He added: "She congratulated me on the news and I said 'oh, what news?'"

The woman had been alerted by her daughter in London that Prof Higgs had won the award, he revealed.

He added: "I heard more about it obviously when I got home and started reading the messages."

Speaking for the first time about the award at a media conference at the University of Edinburgh, he said: "How do I feel? Well, obviously I'm delighted and rather relieved in a sense that it's all over. It has been a long time coming."

An old friend told him he had been nominated as far back as 1980, he said.

Prof Higgs added: "In terms of later events, it seemed to me for many years that the experimental verification might not come in my lifetime.

"But since the start up of the LHC it has been pretty clear that they would get there, and despite some mishaps they did get there".

Stressing the involvement of other theorists and Cern, he added: "I think clearly they should, but it is going to be even more difficult for the Nobel Committee to allocate the credit when it comes to an organisation like Cern.

"I should remind you that although only two of us have shared this prize, Francois Englert of Brussels and myself, that the work in 1964 involved three groups of people, (including) two in Brussels.

"Unfortunately Robert Brout died a few years ago so is no longer able to be awarded the prize, but he would certainly have been one of the winners if he had still been alive.

"But there were three others who also contributed and it is already difficult to allocate the credit amongst the theorists.

"Although a lot of people seem to think I did all this single-handed, it was actually part of a theoretical programme which had been started in 1960."

In July of last year, physicists at Cern confirmed the discovery of a particle consistent with the Higgs boson.

Prof Higgs, who had often been uncomfortable with the attention his theory brought, was in Geneva to hear the news, and wiped a tear from his eye as the announcement was made.

Reacting to the discovery at the time, he told reporters: "It's very nice to be right sometimes."


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