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NASA’s Big Mistake -- 05

已有 5900 次阅读 2007-8-13 09:49 |个人分类:英文原版

3.5 The Research Object of WMAP Project: Numerous Problems


The observing object of WMAP is the early Cosmic (0,38 million years after the Big Band) Microwave Background (CMB).

I have to use “ridiculous” again to describe this CMB.

I am using the basic physic principles, the official data from NASA, to show you that CMB is a wrong concept. There is no such thing in the universe.

This discussion can be divided into many sub titles follows:

l         What is the “cosmic background” of microwave?

l         What is the real source of the microwave?

l         The problem related to transmission time of the microwave.

l         The problem related to attenuation of the microwave with the increase of the distance.

l         The problem related to integrated information at one point in empty space.

l         The problem related to dynamic running away information at one empty space point.

l         The technical possibility to detect remote empty point of the space.

l         People on the earth has no way to receive the early Cosmic (0,38 million years after the Big Band) Microwave Background (CMB).

Actually no matter what the CMB really is, if the last point is proved, then our purpose is arrived, the WMAP project is a ridiculous one is proved. But for more plenty of entertainment, I am discussing all of above subjects one after another.

Before the discussion, we need make some concepts clear.


The Character of an Empty or Void Space Point


An empty or void space point is defined as a point in a vacuum space or in a space with medium such as air that will not has any effect on the studying characters of the point. An example is one point above the earth with only air around while study microwave radiation. Another empty space point is a point 1000 kilometers above the earth while study star light.

We have discussed many characters about an empty space point. Let’s have a summarization here.

The information received by an empty space point is integrated information from all cosmic objects whose information pass this point. For example, a man stand on the top of a mountain in a cloudless night, he can see thousands and thousands of stars in the night sky. But in reality, it is the lights from each star are shining on this man’s eyes. He just received countless lights from different stars at this moment. He receives the integrated star lights. The same reason to any empty space point, at this point always receives integrated information from all kinds of cosmic objects. We can say the integrated information at one empty space point consists millions of information from millions cosmic objects.

Also the integrated information at an empty space point never stays there for even a very short time. It keep passing the point all the time. No any information will be kept at that point. An empty space point never has ability to store any information.

An empty space point will not and can not emitting information, or generate information. The information measured at an empty space point always is belonging to other cosmic objects.


When I Play “The Moon Is My Heart” in Front of my Lover’s Window


The moonlight is as soft as running water; the warm loving is like a dream. Sitting on the tender grasses, I am playing “The Moon Is My Heart”.

Is my lovely girl listening to my music?

I am not sure.

If I am 10 meters far away from her window, I am sure she can hear my music and perhaps will jump out from the window. If I can only play 300 meters away from her window, I don’t know if she can hear or not. This is the case of the information attenuation with the increase of the information.

Although I am using the sound to explain the ideas, the basic reasoning is the same for the light or any wave information in our discussion.

Using a song to explain my idea is better than light in every beat of the song has a specific meaning with a time stamp. During the playing of the song, each instance we know where is the beat located in the song. We usually take star light as a whole, not consider its time stamp. But actually we need identify which piece of light is sent out at which specific time, like a song at the beginning or at the middle. That is the specific light defined in my book. Now we just use a song to understand the light. Actually we should define all information from any cosmic objects as “Specific Information”, such as “Specific Microwave Radiation”, “Specific Electronic Magnetic Wave”, so on and on. This will make our research on the cosmic information transmission clearer on concept expression.

Now another guy Peter also comes. He brings a violin. I am playing a flute. I am sitting 10 meters away from her window, and Peter is kind of shy, so he sits 100 meters away.

We begin at the same time of the song “The Moon Is My Heart”. The beautiful music is filling the nearby area.

Then what does she hear?

She hears our playing of the song from the beginning to the end. But to her the music is different. When she is hearing my second beat of the song, she is hearing the first beat of the song played by Peter. Since we are playing at the same time with same speed, and Peters sound needs more time to travel to her window, so Peter’s music always delayed one beat to her. The girl is receiving information from multi sources with different time instance. This is the time stamp of information. My information has different time print than Peter’s.

At any instance during our playing, she is listening composite of two sounds. These two sounds are have different time series to her. Each instance they have different time stamp and are different to her. This is the time gradient of the integrated or mixed information. This is important to understand the lights from different stars. Suppose you are watching thousands of stars. Actually it is the light of the stars traveled many different years and shed their lights on you. So you are like her, receiving mixed information with different time print. Each star gives you one of a series of time stamped light.

If I only play one time of the song, she will hear once of the song played by me. My music traveled through her, went away and never gets back. This is the dynamic vanish character of the cosmic information. Any wave information such as light, microwave, will travel to the earth once and vanish forever. There is no room for storage of the cosmic information.

The farther to the light source, the weaker of the wave, until it is vanish. It is very strange such kind of light can store history in Einstein’s time and space idea. Is it ridiculous or funny? I will discuss this in detail later.

Now you understand the basic concepts I am going to use: the time stamp of cosmic information; the time gradient of cosmic integrated information; and the dynamic vanish character of the cosmic information.

Now lets first check the probe instrument used in WMAP project, go through one WMAP report picture, and discuss one by one following the sub titles I gave above. During the discussion, you need always keep in mind of those characters of an empty space point.


Introduction to Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)


The major instrument used to draw a whole sky map is called Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, in short is called WMAP.


Figure 3-5 Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)

It is very easy to misunderstand by the word “probe”, gives people imagination it can detect something initiatively. No. It can’t do anything initiatively. It can only stay at where it is and RECEIVE any piece of the information arrives on it. The detailed information about can get from:



One of the Whole Sky Map – Objects in the Microwave Sky


Figure 3-6 Objects in the Microwave Sky

Figure 3-6 is an official picture published by WMAP of NASA. The web address is:


You need pay attention to the words in the picture: “A guide to the microwave sky for reference. This picture shows the large-scale emission from the Milky Way galaxy, including some of its notable components such as the Cygnus complex, the North Polar Spur, the Gum region, etc. The small circles show positions of significant microwave point sources. The brighter sources are labeled for reference.”


Doubtable Definition of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)


What is CMB? Does it come from a certain celestial body?

If not, where does it come from?

Stephen Hawking gave the explanation follows:

Microwave background radiation: The radiation from the glowing of the hot early universe, now so greatly red-shifted that it appears not as light but as microwaves (radio waves with a wavelength of a few centimeters).

“The radiation from the glowing of the hot early universe” is kind of fuzzy sentence. This is the style of him. Actually he can’t make it clearer. Because the experts from NASA considered the radiation came from Big Bang.  Stephen Hawking at the beginning was a strong supporter and using math proved the Big Bang model. But Hawking now changed his mind and didn’t agree with the Big Bang model and abandon the God behind the Big Bang. So how to explain this radiation is not a such easy thing.

In all, the NASA scientists consider the microwave radiation is not emitted by any cosmic object, but is a left over by Big Bang. It distributed in every corner of the universe, filling all space of the cosmos. For example, if your TV has no any signal from any tv station, and there is white snow on the screen, it is the background radiation you received.

The word “Background” was explained in one astronomical web station:


“We refer to this radiation as a background because we see it no matter where we look. It clearly doesn't come from any nearby objects, such as stars or clouds within our Galaxy, or even from external galaxies. It is clearly a distant, ‘background’ source of radiation. You can think of the whole Universe as being filled with this background of microwave photons.”

Ha ha,, from the beginning to the end, “obviously” the cosmic microwave background is imagined by them. “Obviously” the CMB concept is not checked in a scientific way. “Obviously” they are trying to find some evidence for Big Bang.

Here the cosmologists using “Background” to represent one kind of radiation that filled every corner of the universe. “Cosmic Background Microwave” is a microwave filled every corner of the universe. It exists everywhere of the universe, wrapping all objects in the universe.

Actually this is kind of ridiculous. It shows the knowledge blind point of them.

Why? The reason is that they don’t know the characters about the empty space point.

Don’t forget this truth: even a very small cosmic object X, if it exists enough time, it will announce itself to every corner of the universe. Its light or radiation will fill each corner of the universe, its light or radiation will wrap any object in the universe. It will become a source of cosmic background.

Figure 3-7 Any Cosmic object X, can fill its information in every corner in the universe and becomes “Cosmic Background”


Any cosmic object possibly behaviors in this way. There are countless cosmic objects can possibly become the source of the microwave background. How can the experts claim this microwave has no source but generated by Big Bang? Have they checked every object in the universe? Can they possibly know all objects in the universe? The only reason I can figure out is they don’t know that many of the cosmic objects can be the source of the microwave radiation background. They don’t know the characters of an empty space point.

Any point in the empty space (such as on the surface of the earth, or 1000 kilometers above the earth) has the integrated cosmic information from all over the universe. In the air above the earth there are also integrated voice waves. This is an obvious fact. At night you stand under the star sky, the lights from all stars are shining on you. In the cloudless day time, the lights from all stars are still shining on you, although you can’t see the.

According to the definition of “cosmic background” from the astrologists, then any star is the source of its light or radiation, so it is the background of its light or radiation. One can’t say only those he doesn’t know where the light or radiation comes from is a back ground.

The cosmic background actually is a art work studio for whole cosmic objects using their radiation to carve their own images. It’s the most democratic platform for all kinds of stars. Each of them can paint the whole sky with its own light or wave. Each empty space point in the universe is such a good student that takes every piece of information from any kind of cosmic objects. They receive all information from everybody and integrate them at its post. But each point has so bad memory that it never can keep any of the received information in his memory. Any of such empty space point never stores any information or emits any.

But our great cosmic scientists never know the characters about an empty space point. Neither do they understand its capability of integrating whole sky objects’ information, nor do they know its poor memory of keeping information and bad ability of emitting information. Because of this, they make up such thing as “cosmic background”. All lights, all radiation waves from any kind of cosmic object, can possibly fill up the whole universe, can be the “cosmic background”. If almost every cosmic object actually can possibly be the source of “cosmic background”, it is no great meaning to define such background. All radiating waves are “cosmic backgrounds”. We can say “cosmic light background”, even “the Sun’s cosmic light background”, “the X cosmic radiation background”.

In WMAP project, the definition of CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background) actually is one kind of microwave that fills in the universe. As discussed above, many remote cosmic objects can possibly be the source of CMB. It is not necessary to name it under the Big Bang or cosmic background. The cosmologists haven’t found its source, so they claim it belong to Big Bang, this is not convincing at all.

Any cosmic object that can emit such kind of microwave, wherever it is, and whatever it is, can be the candidate source of this CMB. While NASA’s experts can receive the microwave but can’t find its source, then declare it comes from Big Bang, this is not a scientific way. Have they checked all candidate source in the universe? Can they possibly know all such kind of candidate source objects of the universe? They have no way to do it. Thy should continue try to find the real source of CMB, not take it as an evidence of Big Bang in such a hurry way.

Actually later in my discussion about the decreasing speed of star light, I will give you a more reasonable explanation about where does this CMB come from.


From the Author:

This series articles can also put it into the domain of business campaign. My mainland version, the second version of my book <Who Should Talk about Cosmos> is publishing in July or August. This book is not a science fiction, nor is it a popular scientific book. It is a book writing in prose but with popular flavor and common sense, a serious scientific rebel. If you refer the publishing book to read this serial, you will get much more.

             The Cover Page of the 1st Version of <Who Should Talk about Cosmos>

The Cover Page of the 2nd Version of <Who Should Talk about Cosmos>


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